I use RankMath Redirection for all my URL redirections. I use WPML as the translation plugin for my site. I have a main site in English and an additional 6 languages.
My permalink structure is always in English and the multilingual site is part of the permalink structure like so: English: domain.com/page-name/ German: domain.com/de/page-name/ etc.
When I want to redirect a page I would do something like this:
Source URLs: /page-name/ Destination URL: https://domain.com/new-page-nameBut how can I make this redirect apply to ALL languages at the same time?
I tried to use RegEx like this:
Source URLs: (.*)/page-name/ Destination URL: https://domain.com/$1/new-page-namebut it causes unnecessary complications. Is this not built into your plugin somewhere?
Best, Judith
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