Hello there RankMath team,
First, thank you for such a wonderful product. Second, we’re sure you as we, write a bunch of stuff and therefore the need for documentation is so important. Therein, we would like to submit this screenshot https://share.getcloudapp.com/eDuxyWyy
Notice that although we have every field imaginable for the purpose of the redirect; we were wondering if you would be so kind to add a short field for simple documentation on our part for such things as why we did it or when or any small piece of data we could reference such as even an in depth Dropbox paper link etc. just so we can document each redirect better.
That would be sincerely appreciated Sirs.
Finally, we do notice there is a place for support questions and wondering do you have an ideas section to suggest features or items as mentioned above? Thank you all again kindly. Sincerely, Crllc 🙂
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