Recognize Kadence Table of Contents Block as a valid ToC

  • Resolved Jake Pfohl
    Rank Math pro

    Hi there,

    About a week ago, Kadence Blocks added a new “Table of Contents” block. I would love it if RankMath recognized this block being used within a blog post or page and gave the appropriate points for using a Table of Contents.

    Thank you!

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  • Hello,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us.

    You can add the following filter to your theme functions.php to add the ToC to be recognized for the ToC test

     * Filter to add plugins to the TOC list.
     * @param array TOC plugins.
    add_filter( 'rank_math/researches/toc_plugins', function( $toc_plugins ) {
           $toc_plugins['plugin-directory/plugin-filename.php'] = 'Plugin Name';
        return $toc_plugins;

    Just make sure to change the plugin directory, plugin filename and plugin name to the plugin specific details

    Hope that helps and please do not hesitate to let us know if you need our assistance with anything else.


    Further to this, you can contact the plugin developer to add the following code in their plugin:

    and submit the plugin on our website to be listed as a compatible plugin by using the contact form here:

    We will be more than happy to have them listed on our website.

    Hope that helps. Thank you.


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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