RankMath not seeing all content

  • Resolved Julian Miller
    Rank Math free

    A problem I’m seeing that I believe directly affects the SEO of my site is that under Basic SEO every item is green but the last says ‘Content is 129 words long. Consider using at least 600 words. Minimum recommended content length should be 600 words.’

    The site is plumamazing.com
    Wordpress/Woocommerce are used to display and sell our software as products.
    The product short description is 129 words long so it seems RankMath sees that but does not see the long description and page of info on the software product.

    I use an elementor template and put its shortcode in the product page.
    In that page the info at top right is seen by RankMath but I don’t believe any of the info below the tab bar is seen.

    What do you recommend?

    Thanks for a great product.


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