Thanks for contacting us and sorry for any inconvenience that might have been caused due to that.
Please head over to the WordPress admin area > Rank Math > Dashboard > Help, disconnect and reconnect your Rank Math PRO account to fix the issue.

Hope this helps. Let us know if you need any further assistance.
hi Reconnecting the sites with rankmath has worked. and Now all sites get auto updated.
However, there is new issue now.
Even after manually rebuilding the database/fetching, the analytics reports shows incomplete or no data.
I also tried reconnecting my webmaster and GA account.
here are the three sites that are having this issues :
[provided in sensitive data section.]
I checked your site *******blog.com and the search stats are updating now.
To do that a navigated to Rank Math > Status & Tools > Database Tools, clicked “Clear Cache” then Clicked “Rebuild Index”. I waited 10 minutes for the index rebuild to complete then headed to Tools > Scheduled Actions > Pending and under “rank_math/analytics/data_fetch” I clicked “Run”. The Rank Math analytics data started updating after that.
You can repeat the same process on the other sites.
Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have questions.
I didn’t find any such options –
> Scheduled Actions > Pending
also, why there is no Bangladesh in the Location setting under Reconnect 
Sorry for the delay.
The country list comes from the Google API. The country you mentioned, Bangladesh, is one that is present in Google Search Console, Google Analytics, and Trends but not on the API. That’s the reason you can’t see statistics that refer to Bangladesh.
The data is already fetched on site *******blog.com.
For other websites, please reconnect the Google account, to regenerate the auth token from Google, by going to WordPress Dashboard > Rank Math > General Settings > Analytics and configure the Search Console and Analytics settings:

Once done, report back so we can continue debugging the situation.
We look forward to helping you.
Homeandfences.com reconnected as you mentioned.
(prohairblog.com case was not solved. It shows only 2 keywords, whereas i have thousands of keywords

I can check that the data is already present on the HomeAndFences site. It seems like reconnecting the Google account has fixed the issue:

And we only fetch the data for the keywords that are ranking in the top 100 positions in your GSC account. Please check the performance section of your GSC account for the same timeframe you are using in the analytics module and let us know if there are more than 2 keywords in the top 100 positions.
Looking forward to helping you.
my site prohairblog.com ranking for 3000+ keywords in top 100 position in google.
I reconnected my GSC with rank math again, but haven’t found any progress.
after waiting 30 minutes for fetching, it now shows –
Storage Days: 0 Data Rows: 0 Size: 458 KB
There was a pending scheduled action in WP Dashboard > Tools > Scheduled Actions > Pending that was scheduled to run after 3 days. I ran it manually and the stats have started to appear in the analytics dashboard:

Please wait for the fetch to complete and let us know if you need any other assistance.
seems it’s working, what to do so it doesn’t happen again?
If the cron jobs are working properly on your website, the cron job to fetch the data will run automatically.
Hope that helps.
Thank you.
the prohairblog.com is showing zero result again, although it showed some data (incomplete)|yesterday.
I checked your website rebuilt the index. To do so you can navigate to Rank Math > Status & Tools > Database Tools and click “Rebuild Index”.
Next I navigated to Tools > Scheduled Actions > Pending and under “rank_math/analytics/data_fetch” I clicked run. The data fetch took several minutes to run and after that it was complete, and your analytics data was up-to-date. Please note that Rank Math is set to fetch data once every 7 days so the data will occasionally be out of date.
Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have questions.
Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.
If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.
Thank you.