Rankmath does not propose focus keywords anymore

  • Davy
    Rank Math free

    Rankmath used to propose popular keywords in the SEO section while creating a new woocommerce product. It does not do that anymore: It doesn’t show the dropdown of popular keywords anymore when I start typing.

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  • Hello,

    We apologize for the issue you are facing with Rank Math not proposing focus keywords anymore. This feature is designed to assist you in finding relevant keywords as you type, and it can be frustrating when it doesn’t work as expected.

    Here are a few things you might want to check:

    1. Rank Math Account Connection: Ensure that your Rank Math account is properly connected. Sometimes, disconnections can lead to features not functioning correctly.
    2. Plugin Updates: Make sure that both Rank Math and WordPress are updated to their latest versions. Outdated plugins can sometimes cause functionality issues.
    3. Browser Cache: Clear your browser cache or try accessing the site in incognito mode to see if that resolves the issue.
    4. Conflict with Other Plugins: There might be a conflict with another plugin. Try deactivating other plugins temporarily to see if the keyword suggestions return.

    If none of these steps resolve the issue, please reply to this ticket, and a human agent from the Rank Math Support team will take over and assist you further. Thank you for raising this concern!

    What is a Focus Keyword? » Rank Math
    Can We Use Rank Math as a Keyword Research Tool? » Rank Math

    This is an automated reply from Rank Math Support Bot. Your ticket has been assigned to a human agent and we will get back to you shortly.

    Rank Math free

    Tested the proposed solutions of the bot. does not seem to help.
    Strange thing: when i wait a day or so it will work again for 1 or 2 products and then it stops working again.


    The keyword suggestions are fetched from Google once you have connected your website with your Rank Math account.

    1. Could you verify if you’re running the latest versions of the Rank Math plugins (not beta versions)? https://rankmath.com/changelog

    2 . Then clear the transients at Rank Math > Status & Tools > Database Tools > Remove transients

    3 . After that, you may try disconnecting and re-connecting Rank Math to see if that works for you.

    You can disconnect your account by navigating to WordPress Dashboard > Rank Math > Dashboard > Help and then simply disconnect the account by clicking on Disconnect Account.

    4 . Once you’ve disconnected your Rank Math account, you can connect it again in the same settings. In order to connect your correct account, click on Connect Now.

    5 . Once you click on Connect Now, please ensure that you’ve selected the correct account and then click on OK, Activate Now.

    We hope this helps. Please let us know if you have further questions or concerns.

    Thank you.

    Rank Math free


    thx for the reply, but doens’t seem to help:
    Strange thing is that every time after a few hours it suddenly works again for a few products. But than suddenly it stops showing the dropdowns again. Tried all the steps you asked me to check, but nothing seems to be help.

    Rank Math free

    is it possible that after a while rank math blocks my ip? I noticed that it works again when I switch to another network


    Since you have noticed the focus keyword suggestion works smoothly when using a different network it is possible either the strength of the network, your browser, or even the backend cache might be culpable since the feature requires a live connection.

    As a step in the right direction try temporarily disabling the backend (WordPress Dashboard) cache if there is one and see if this helps.

    We look forward to helping you.


    Rank Math free

    in the developer tools of chrome I found an error related to this issue.
    It’s the browser that seems to block the request for keywords as a “cross-origin resource sharing request” (CORS)

    Any suggestions to work around this issue?

    the error:

    Ensure CORS response header values are valid
    A cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) request was blocked because of invalid or missing response headers of the request or the associated preflight request .
    To fix this issue, ensure the response to the CORS request and/or the associated preflight request are not missing headers and use valid header values.
    Note that if an opaque response is sufficient, the request’s mode can be set to no-cors to fetch the resource with CORS disabled; that way CORS headers are not required but the response content is inaccessible (opaque).
    2 requests
    Request Status Preflight Request (if problematic) Header Problem Invalid Value (if available)

    ?keyword=batida%20kleedje&locale=nl blocked Access-Control-Allow-Origin Missing Header

    ?keyword=batida&locale=nl blocked Access-Control-Allow-Origin Missing Header


    We might need to take a closer look at the settings. Please edit the first post on this ticket and include your WordPress & FTP logins in the designated Sensitive Data section.

    Please do take a complete backup of your website before sharing the information with us.

    Sensitive Data Section

    It is completely secure and only our support staff has access to that section. If you want, you can use the below plugin to generate a temporary login URL to your website and share that with us instead:


    You can use the above plugin in conjunction with the WP Security Audit Log to monitor what changes our staff might make on your website (if any):


    We really look forward to helping you.

    Rank Math free


    thx for looking into this.
    But this is a production site: Making changes and playing around in this site to test things out is not allowed by my customer. We cannot risk any downtime of the site.
    Also, the customers hosting contract doesn’t include enough space for a copy of the site either.

    What can we do?


    We don’t enforce any particular CORS rules to websites connected to our system to get keyword suggestions or access any other feature that requires a connection.

    As you correctly pointed out this rule is being enforced by the browser you are using so we recommend that you check your browser settings or use a browser that doesn’t enforce those rules on the content if you want access to the keyword suggestion feature.

    Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any other questions.

    Rank Math free


    What browser setting would be the problem here? As I tried it on Windows and Mac and with 3 different browser with no specific config: Chrome, Edge and Safari.
    Everywhere the same issue.

    Kind regards,

    Rank Math free

    continuing on my previous remark: I found a way to start chrome without web security. Also tested a plugin that avoids CORS issues.

    None of this seem to help.

    The only thing that seems to help is making sure I get a new IP address. Than it will work again for a few minutes. And then it starts over again.
    It really seems to be something on your side that blocks me after a while.

    We received a lot of new stock and posting the new products is already a time consuming process, but now we have the very annoying process of getting a new ip every few minutes.

    Hopefully you have another idea that might help?


    It seems like the issue may also be related to rate-limiting or temporary blocks triggered by multiple requests from the same IP. This is not something we intentionally enforce, but it could be an automated response due to high frequency of requests.

    One potential solution is to reduce the number of requests by spacing out the product creation process. Alternatively, you could try using a VPN to rotate your IP addresses more smoothly.

    Let us know how that goes. Looking forward to helping you.

    Rank Math free

    I don’t get this. One of reasons we install RankMath is the assistance with keywords.
    We limit our product pages to 5 keywords. After about 2 products I’m already blocked.
    How can this be considered as a high frequency of requests?

    BTW it worked perfectly for years, so what changed?


    The calls to our API always come from the IP address of the website and we assume that has not changed so the issue is with your direct internet access which seems to be enforcing rules about the content being fetched.

    The fact that the keyword suggestion works for a little bit is an indication that we are not blocking the IP address of the website which is the only thing we receive. Your personal IP address from your ISP is not visible to use so we could never block it directly, even if we wanted.

    As you can see from the following screenshot, our API has the correct header set and a wildcard (´*´) to make sure it allows requests from all websites:

    Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any other questions.

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