Rank Math SEO it’s compatible with Transposh translation of permalinks and urls ?
Once the url and permalinks are translated by Transposh, are these inserted correctly in the sitemap created by Rank Math and are correctly interpreted by Rank Math in relation to SEO ?
Thanks in advance for the support.
Thank you for contacting Rank Math today.
I have installed and tested this plugin on my end and it works to translate posts but the integration does not seem to be complete since the permalinks are not added to the sitemap file.
Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.
Hi, and thanks for answering me, you are very kind.
I’m not here to advertise anyone, but Transposh is an excellent and complete plugin for translation and is completely free (over 20,000+ Active Installations – Over 97 review with average rating 4.3 out of 5 stars).
As written in the Transposh official F.A.Q. https://transposh.org/faq/ the command that you should probably insert in RankMath to make it compatible with Transposh is the following:
do_action(‘sm_addurl’, $page);
Just as the Transposh developer writes about another plugin that only generates sitemaps:
“Plugin support: Google-Sitemaps-XML
Currently the plugin is able to add the multilingual urls to the sitemap, and you need to add the following line at the sitemap-core.php, add-url function (line 1509 at version 3.2.2 right after the AddElement)
do_action(‘sm_addurl’, $page);
We hope that future versions will include this by default, and for now you can get the patched file from our site.
After a change of languages used, you are welcomed to trigger a new sitemap buildup.
Update 27/3/12: Please note that version 4 beta supports Transposh by default, no need to do anything.”I also opened this topic on the official Transposh support page WordPress.org (and here they still responded):
I can guarantee you from personal experience that all Transposh developers and support staff are very friendly and helpful, so i ask you to be able to contact them ( perhaps via the topic i opened on their official support on WordPress.org, where have already replied: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/transposh-translation-of-permalinks-and-urls-its-compatible-with-rank-math-seo/ ) so as to allow RankMath (which is really exceptional) to be perfectly compatible also with Transposh.
Thanks in advance for the support.
Good job and good day for you.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by WNS.
Thanks for sharing these findings.
I am going to pass this on to our developers so that this can be considered for addition in our future development roadmap.
Please let us know if we can offer additional help. Thank you.
You can always update me here on this topic when you have some news ?
I hope you can do it soon.
Thanks in advance for the support.
Good job and good day for you.
Hi there,
No worries, we will have an update for you shortly.
We appreciate your patience. Thank you.
Hi, and thanks for answering me, you are very kind.
I look forward to your news.
Thanks in advance for the support.
The plugin author can add the following Sitemap filter to their plugin to make it compatible with the Rank Math plugin:
https://rankmath.com/kb/filters-hooks-api-developer/#sitemapOnce added, they can contact us through our contact us page, so, we can list them as one of compatible plugins with a DoFollow backlink to their site:
https://rankmath.com/compatibility/Hope that helps. Thank you.
Hi, and thanks for the time you’re dedicating me and for your support.
The Transposh Administrator and Support have replied on the official Transposh support Forum on WordPress.org to your message (if you want you can also read the whole discussion) at this link:
This is the answer of Transposh Administrator and Support:
“Thanks for your message, I did take a look at their filters to see if the implementation could really be as simple as that, however this is still not the case.
The main reason, they provide filters that can be run on each url, and an add urls action, this is quite nice for most use cases, but the translation use case is simple:
1. The plugin should provide an action with the original url (not that hard).
2. Transposh than should be able to add the new urls (with a lesser priority, normally). to the sitemap creation.
3. Currently the filters and actions for rankmath does not allow me to do that.To see how its done, take a look at transposh_3rdparty.php at the add_sm_transposh_urls function, where the action triggered by the sitemap generator allows me to access that generator and create the new urls.
A filter which would have allowed my to return an array could have been just as good.
Since I have no account on their support site, I suggest we continue with the broken phone for a while, just forward them my message 🙂
Good luck,”
Please be able to provide your valuable support to be able to solve this problem, as Transposh is the only completely free plugin and it is really very good, to be able to translate a site in multilingual.
However, it would be easier if you could reply directly to them on their Official Support Forum or on your Official Support Forum so you can solve this problem.
I hope for your help and as always i thank you for your courtesy and professionalism, thank you very much.
Thank you for your continued patience and willingness to fix it.
Transposh developer can use this filter to add extra URLs in the Sitemap based on the type. So if he want to add an extra URL in the post, he can use
add_filter( 'rank_math/sitemap/post_content', function( $urls ) { $urls = ..... return $urls; })
Here’s the link to the filter code:
Hope that helps.
Also, once the integration is there, can you please ask the developer to contact us via our contact form so we can add his plugin to our list and add a DoFollow backlink from our website?
https://rankmath.com/compatibility/Good day.
Hi and thanks for your support, you are very kind and professional.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by WNS.
We are super happy that this resolved your issue. If you have any other questions in the future, know that we are here to help you.
If you don’t mind me asking, could you please leave us a review (if you haven’t already) on https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/seo-by-rank-math/reviews/?rate=5#new-post about your overall experience with Rank Math? We appreciate your time and patience.
If you do have another question in the future, please feel free to create a new forum topic, and it will be our pleasure to assist you again.
Thank you.
Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.
If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.
Thank you.
The ticket ‘Rank Math SEO it’s compatible with Transposh translation of permalinks and urls’ is closed to new replies.