Rank Math do not recognize longer keyword

  • Resolved Darko Nelson
    Rank Math free

    Hello, It happens to me that Rank Math does not recognize the longer main keyword. For example it doesn’t recognize “Vegetables to Plant In July” but it recognizes “plant in july”. That didn’t happen before. Likewise, the staging site does not recognize the keyword in the URL, so the SEO score, which was 93, is now 89? That’s the first thing I noticed. In the second case, the SEO score is correctly displayed with the published posts, but when I enter the editor, it changes and shows that the keyword does not exist in the URL.
    I have not yet checked the other two websites I use your plugin on as well.

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  • Hello,

    We apologize for the issue you are facing with Rank Math not recognizing longer keywords. It seems that there might be a few factors at play here.

    1. Keyword Recognition: Rank Math analyzes the content based on the focus keyword you set. If it’s not recognizing longer phrases, it could be due to how the keyword is being interpreted in relation to your content. Ensure that the focus keyword is set correctly in the post settings.

    2. SEO Score Fluctuation: The SEO score can change based on various factors, including keyword presence in the URL and overall content optimization. If the keyword is not recognized in the URL, it may affect the score. You can check if the URL is optimized by reviewing the settings in the Rank Math dashboard.

    3. Staging Site Issues: Sometimes, staging sites may not reflect changes accurately due to caching or other settings. Make sure to clear any cache and check if the issue persists.

    4. Editor vs. Published View: The difference in SEO scores between the editor and published posts can occur if there are discrepancies in how content is analyzed in each view. It’s essential to ensure that all elements are correctly set before publishing.

    If these suggestions do not resolve your issue, we recommend replying to this ticket so a human agent from the Rank Math Support team can assist you further.

    Thank you for bringing this concern to our attention! We’re here to help you get everything sorted out.


    Thank you for contacting us and sorry for any inconvenience that might have been caused due to that.

    We’ve checked the keyword you’ve shared and we can see the tests are getting passed without any issues:

    Please note that Rank Math looks for the exact match of your focus keyword to pass the test. The test will fail if there is a mismatch between your URL and the keywords.

    Regarding the SEO Score, please head over to your WordPress Dashboard > Rank Math > Status & Tools > Database Tools, and from there click on the button “Recalculate Score”, and wait for it to process and see if that helps to resolve the issue.

    Please note that some options are only available in Advance Mode. If you are not able to find the Database tools, please try to switch to Advance Mode: https://rankmath.com/kb/switch-from-easy-to-advanced-mode/

    Let us know how it goes. Looking forward to helping you.

    Thank you.

    Thank You.
    I found a problem that was not actually related to the plugin, but the lady went to edit the title in the Rank Math window, so it remained the main title and my changes to the post had no effect. I didn’t notice it right away so I thought it was something related to the latest changes in WP.


    We are glad that everything has been sorted out.

    Please feel free to reach out to us again in case you need any other assistance.

    We are here to help.

    Thank you.

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