Pro version bought, but not available

  • Miklós Mészöly
    Rank Math free
    Content AI Starter Trial

    Dear Rank Math!

    Please, I bought the Pro version, bust still not available for me.

    Here is my transaction data:

    date: 2024. oct. 22.
    card: 524836………5834 20241021
    Payment: 98,75 EUR

    Please help me in this situation or send back the payment.

    Thank You!

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  • Hello,

    We apologize for the issue you are facing with accessing your Rank Math PRO version. It seems that there might be a discrepancy with the email address associated with your purchase.

    To resolve this, please log into your Rank Math account and check if you can download Rank Math PRO from your dashboard. If it is unavailable, it’s possible that you upgraded to PRO using a different email address. In that case, you will need to contact our support team to merge both accounts or change the email connected to your PRO account.

    You can open a ticket by navigating to the Rank Math Support Forum and providing the necessary details, including the email address you used to purchase the PRO plan or a screenshot of the invoice you received. This will help our support team locate your PRO account and assist you further.

    Thank you for raising this concern, and we appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this issue for you!

    This is an automated reply from Rank Math Support Bot. Your ticket has been assigned to a human agent and we will get back to you shortly.


    Thank you for your query and we are so sorry about the trouble this must have caused.

    We can see that you purchased the Content AI Starter plan. Please note that Content AI plans differ from our Rank Math PRO subscription. If you intend to purchase the PRO plugin, please purchase it here:

    Let us know if you want to ask for a refund on your Content plan so you can purchase the PRO plugin instead.

    We really look forward to hearing back from you. Thank you.

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