there is a price mismatch due to taxes. There was already an issue about this on Github: https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/issues/18852There is also a workaround for this problem:
function priceWithTaxesSEO( $markup, $product ) {
if ( is_product() ) {
$precioConIVA = (float)$markup['offers'][0]['price'] + ( (float)$markup['offers'][0]['price'] * 0.21 );
$precioConIVA = number_format($precioConIVA, 2, '.', '');$markup['offers'][0]['price'] = $precioConIVA;
$markup['offers'][0]['priceSpecification']['price'] = $precioConIVA;
// Especifica si el impuesto al valor agregado (IVA) aplicable está incluido en la especificación de precio o no.
$markup['offers'][0]['priceSpecification']['valueAddedTaxIncluded'] = 'true';
}return $markup;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_structured_data_product', 'priceWithTaxesSEO', 100, 2 );Since Rank Math overwrites the structured data, this workaround does not work.
Can you please tell me how to override the behavior of Rank Math?
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