Para terminar el trabajo tengo alguna pregunta
Hay alguna forma de automatizar Image ALT Attributes?
¿Como pongo la palabras clave en las paginas?
Porque en las hay Hay 1273 Entradas, 4 Páginas entradas publicadas en las que la palabra clave objetivo no aparece en el título de la entrada.
¿que hago para poner en los móviles Some Opengraph meta tags are missing.
Gracias por la ayuda
Is there a way to automate Image ALT Attributes?
We have a dedicated guide to help you with that. Please visit it here:
How do I put the keywords on the pages? Because on there are 1273 Entries, 4 Pages published entries in which the target keyword does not appear in the title of the entry.
Unfortunately, this can’t be resolved using our plugin or at least automatically. You have to visit those pages and make sure the focus keyword is mentioned in their title field.
What do I do to put Some Opengraph meta tags are missing on mobiles.
Our plugin adds the Opengraph meta to both the desktop and mobile versions of your website. Can you please confirm if that wasn’t the cause on your end? Please share a screenshot of the issue and a sample URL of the affected page.
Looking forward to helping you.
Tengo instalado el alt de sun plugin pero me sigue dando errores.
Lo mismo con el opengraf
Please share the affected page URL here where the Alt is not added. Please note that our plugin only adds the Alt texts for images that are inside the actual page/post content.
Looking forward to helping you.
Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.
If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.
Thank you.