Please help me to understand keywords

  • Resolved Christopher Tutton
    Rank Math free

    Good Morning,

    Today I am starting the process of optimising the SEO on my website (blog.)

    So far I have several pages, but no posts. I understand that when I start writing blog posts, I should search for what people are searching for, and write blog posts around these keywords.

    What I am having difficulty in getting my head around though is choosing keywords for my main pages, such as my home page, about page, contact page, etc…

    For example, on my homepage, I have chosen my focus keyword as “Boots N Bourbon.” This turns green, which I know is good. However, I want to chose some long tail keywords, such as “Country music blog UK” or “Boots N Bourbon blog” for example. If I try entering something like this, it turns orange, because it doesn’t appear word-for-word in my content. I do know however that by using long tail keywords, it will improve my SEO, but it turns orange and lowers my SEO score. That is why I am confused. If I were to use long tail keywords in word-for-word format in my content, the content would look silly and wouldn’t be easily readable.

    So, should I just choose good keywords and ignore the orange, or what?

    Kind Regards,
    Chris Tutton

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