Pinterest Issues

  • Resolved Heather Miami
    Rank Math free


    I’m trying to get Rich Pins working on and during this process I had to re-verify the site on Pinterest. So I unclaimed, and I’ve been trying to Claim it again using the section in the plugin – and Pinterest can’t verify it.

    It keeps coming back with a notice saying that the verification process has started and they’ll be in touch with an update in an hour. There is never an update in email or otherwise, and yes we’ve checked spam.

    What would be causing this? My other site that doesn’t use Rank Math verified instantly with the HTML tag.

    Also; the reason we had to re-verify the site in the first place was that Pinterest wasn’t recognizing the og tags for Rich Pins at all. I was hoping using the app for verification would resolve that issue (green lights on everything except the main verification), but what else might be causing that?


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  • Hello,

    Thanks for getting in touch with us.

    Your rich pins are already available and approved:

    Hope that helps and please do not hesitate to let us know if you need our assistance with anything else.


    It doesn’t actually help, thanks. The reason they’re now “working” has more to do with me diagnosing the issue on my end with verification and manually handling it.

    We’re now in a situation where, using Pinterest’s verification setup, it’s flagging as Missing Data whenever we try to enable Rich Pins (by clicking Apply Now). Also speaking to them about it, but any insight you can offer would be helpful.


    I’m sorry for any inconvenience this issue may have caused you.

    Could you also check if you have already filled up the Social Meta for your website in Rank math > Titles & Meta > Social Meta, then verify?

    Hope that helps. Thank you and looking forward to your update.


    Why would Pinterest need me to fill in data for Facebook? There are no sections on that settings page for Pinterest itself and wondering what I’m missing here. =)

    Screenshot here of what’s actually happening when we try to Enable rich pins. Just so we’re all happily on the same page here!

    Pinterest Rich Pin Validator Problem


    Pinterest uses the OpenGraph standard that Facebook developed for many social platforms. Even LinkedIn uses OpenGraph tags.

    We have tested this and it seems to be an issue on Pinterest’s side. We also see reports of the issue on various forums online.

    Rich Pins require a set of OpenGraph meta tags to work ( and those are added automatically by Rank Math when selecting one of the Rich Snippet types supported by Pinterest: Article, Product, or Recipe. By looking at the source code of your page you can confirm that the meta tags are there, and even the Rich Pins validator tool does not show any error.

    To get Rich Pins to show up, you also need to apply and validate your domains once, as described here: (but you mentioned that you already verified that)

    If your site is validated and the testing tool does not show any error, then the Rich Pins should show up correctly. If they don’t, I would advise contacting the Pinterest support team about the issue.

    Hope that helps. If there’s anything else, please let me know.


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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