I think I have figure this out using the following code in my functions file:
// shortcode to show RankMath SEO Score
add_shortcode(‘rankmathscore’, ‘rankmathscore_shortcode’);
function rankmathscore_shortcode () {
$content = get_post_field( ‘rank_math_seo_score’, $post->ID );
return $content;
// shortcode to show RankMath Focus Keywords Score
add_shortcode(‘rankmathfocuskeyword’, ‘rankmathfocuskeyword_shortcode’);
function rankmathfocuskeyword_shortcode () {
$content = get_post_field( ‘rank_math_focus_keyword’, $post->ID );
return $content;
Apologies for the delayed response.
Did the code you shared work for you as you wish?
If you have any further question(s), please let us know. Thank you
uhhh, yeah. So is 2 weeks really the typical response time? I was considering moving all my client sites to RankMath, but something like this causes serious concnern.
We apologize for the extreme delay in getting back to you.
There have been many pending tickets due to major updates of WordPress and Rank Math that our support might have overlooked your ticket. We have also been giving priority to users under PRO, and once the tickets are under control, we will get back to resolving FREE tickets in under 24 hours again.
Thank you for your patience, and please don’t hesitate to contact us by creating a new ticket to assist you with anything else.