Organizing categories and tags

  • Resolved Boo
    Rank Math free

    Hi I hope you are keeping safe

    Currently on my site I have several categories and each category archive has a page. However, I would like to create a new page that organizes content based on the users level of experience e.g. create a page with Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced articles.

    What is the best way for me to do this without affecting my current categories? Would creating tags called beginner, intermediate and advanced be an effective option?

    Furthermore how can I ensure that the new taxonomy does not cause duplicate content issues?

    Hope you can assist

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  • Alberto
    Rank Math business


    Thank you for contacting Rank Math and sorry for any inconvenience that might have been caused due to that.

    I think the best option would be adding tags, it would keep your current categories structure as it is and also it is the usual way other sites do it.

    About avoiding duplicates, you should just make sure to set the canonical URL pointing to one of the URLs to access that post, that way for Google it won’t be a duplicate.

    Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.


    Rank Math free

    Thanks for your help

    Great I will implement this with tags. With regards to the canonical url are you suggesting that on this newly created page I should set it to (for example) the post archive url? Or rather on each post I should set the canonical url for that individual post?

    I hope my question makes sense.


    Rank Math business


    Let’s say you have a post called A in category 1, so the URL is:

    That is the main URL of the post, the one you want to appear on Google.

    But you also set a tag (tag1) for that post, so you can also reach that post using:

    You should set in the post A, the canonical as so Google will rank the post A with the URL and the other URLs will count as “redirections” to that URL (so no duplicated content).

    Looking forward to help you.

    Rank Math free

    Great I understand

    Thanks for your time


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