Hey! Stumbled on your amazing plugin and want to give it a shot 🙂
I have a couple of questions.
I have successfull followed your video guide – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LsNMw-P4qI&list=WL&index=3&ab_channel=RankMathSEO
I started adding URLs in bulk by going to my Posts tab on WP and choosing all on the page and doing “Google Update”.
After doing that it takes me to this – https://i.gyazo.com/35d9c55d67f947eea121e0b9b1507a49.png
I was wondering:
1. Is it save to go away from this page or does it need to be open to add o the api once it says success?
2. The “Publish Request Per Day”. I think that 1 bulk addition only counts as 1. So theoretically if there are 200 per day and 30 links per wp post list, does that mean you can add up to 6,000 posts or pages a day or so? Also unsure what the other two metrics really mean.
3. When Using multiple domains does that share the same quotas and what did you mean in the video when you mentioned to “not do that at the same time might cause an issue”? It seems to instantly show success so unsure how one website instant indexing can inhibit the ability for another domain to do so aswell.
4. To use on multiple domains you can use the same JSON file and add the same “email addres looking name” they give you as an admin to all the websites right?
5. Can I do one bulk Google Search thing and keep doing that back to back after “Success” is shown or is there a delay or break I should take? Got a couple hundred unindexed domains so just want to be clear before doing so.
6. Can this hurt the domain if done at mass or something?
Sorry if this is overwhelming but I really would love to now as am amazed by the app ^^
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