Thanks, the logo problem is solved.
Can my meta improve if I leave the same meta in one line and give the rest % excerpt%? Since the same line all post, Google changes like its own.
See screenshot:
Can you suggest what should be given here?
my site is provide subtitles for movie
I checked your homepage with Facebook Sharing Debugger and the ling preview seems to be working fine now:

And I checked the pages with no description in SERPs. The meta description tag is set for all those pages. Please wait for Google to crawl those pages again and index the changes.
The issue should be resolved once Google crawls your pages again.
Hope this helps. Let us know if you need any other assistance.
Can you suggest what should be given here?
my site provides subtitles for movie
And how do I make a recrawl request on Google?
Submitting an “instant index” link will work?
You can choose Other Personal Website for the website type.
Instant indexing should work to make Google recrawl your pages. You can also follow this guide to get Google to recrawl your pages: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/crawling/ask-google-to-recrawl
Let us know how that goes. Looking forward to your update.
Now meta info is solved. but the updated logo is not working.
check this screenshot:
I need a suggestion for TranslatePress Plugin.
Please see this screenshot:
1. https://prntscr.com/1u4npa7
2. https://prnt.sc/1u4nhzb
3. https://prntscr.com/1u4ntbs
4. https://prntscr.com/1u4obt1
for number 2 screenshot …… “Block Crawlers Option”
Is it okay to “yes tick mark”?
And For the SEO problem, What action should I take?
Are all my settings ok?
I can check that the new logo is working fine in the link preview:

And you should enable the Block Crawlers option. This will stop search engine crawlers from triggering the automatic translation on your site. Here is a guide that you can refer to setup your site’s SEO with Rank Math and TranslatePress: https://rankmath.com/kb/multiple-languages-seo-rankmath-translatepress/
Hope this helps. Let us know if you need any other assistance.