Thank you for contacting Rank Math, and sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Are you using any page builders to add content to the pages?
If so, can you please let us know which one you are using?
Also, this will not affect the Google search rankings. The SEO score is just an internal metric, Google will see the keyword in content and ALT text in the images. You can ignore those content analysis tests.
Looking forward to helping you.
Thank you. I am using Elementor as the page builder. However, I am only experiencing this issue on one page of my site, even though Elementor is used across the whole website.
With regard to Google detecting Alt Text, I have noticed that Rank Math does not detect the alt text when the image is set as a background within a column rather than within an image module itself. Will Google similarly be able to “see” the keyword within the alt text of both backgrounds and images?
If you’re referring to the image added as a background, Rank Math will only check and recognize ALT tags on images that appear within the main post content.
Please note that Google does not also index images added via CSS and JS such as background images automatically and thus adding the ALT tags to these images will not have an SEO benefit.
However, please note that these tests are only there for your reference to help you in optimizing your pages/post content. If you feel any of them doesn’t apply to your page, please feel free to ignore them.
I hope that helps.
Thank you, and please don’t hesitate to contact us anytime if you need further assistance with anything else.
Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.
If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.
Thank you.