keyword color

  • Resolved Julian Miller
    Rank Math free

    i just found this article:

    it’s a long article and i finally see that gold (in the kb you call it yellow) is not fully optimized. to me gold is a color often used to symbolize the best. i’d bet a lot of people think the same thing and get that wrong.

    as easy solution is to use orange instead of gold. orange is often used in warning signs. orange is also almost red in rainbows and frequency, etc. orange is a warning and not optimized keywords should have a warning color.

    you might even have a legend showing the colors and some info about them in the ui.

    thanks for a great product

    ps no need to respond. you probably are getting a lot of email.

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  • Hello,

    Thank you for contacting Rank Math today.

    This is some awesome feedback! I have submitted the same to our dev team and we will be getting back to you to discuss this further.

    Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.


    Rank Math free


    We appreciate the feedback.

    The color is Yellow/Amber and is supposed to denote “cross only if it is safe” as in the traffic lights 🙂

    Yellow means that even though the article might not be 100% optimized, it is okay for you to post it if you can’t be optimized further while red means “no-go”.

    Everyone seems to love the color scheme and it has never caused any confusion so we will have to stick to it for now.

    I really appreciate the feedback though. Thanks a ton 🙂

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