We apologize for the issues you are facing with your pages not being indexed. Thank you for raising this concern. Here’s a breakdown of the reasons you mentioned and how to address them:
1. Not Found (404)
This error indicates that the page does not exist. You should check the URLs of the affected pages and ensure they are correct. If they are supposed to exist, you may need to recreate them.
2. Excluded by ‘noindex’ tag
If a page has a ‘noindex’ tag, it tells search engines not to index that page. You can check this in your Rank Math settings or in the page’s meta settings. If you want the page indexed, remove the ‘noindex’ tag.
3. Page with Redirect
If a page is redirecting to another URL, ensure that the redirect is intentional. If it’s not, you may need to fix or remove the redirect.
4. Duplicate without user-selected canonical
This means that Google has found duplicate content but doesn’t know which version to index. To resolve this, you should set a canonical URL on the duplicate pages pointing to the original content you want indexed. You can find more information on how to do this in our guide on how to change canonical URL.
For more details on fixing these indexing issues, you can refer to our comprehensive guide on how to fix Google indexing issues.
If you encounter any technical issues on your site, please include your site URL in your reply so we can assist you further. A human agent from our support team will take over your ticket and provide more personalized help.
Thank you for your patience, and we’re here to help you get this resolved!
How to Fix Indexing Issues in Google Search Console » Rank Math
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