Indexing issues – most of pages are not visible in SERP

  • Resolved Eimantas Vesialka
    Rank Math free

    I recently started using the RankMath SEO plugin and planning to upgrade it to PRO version, but at the moment, there are issues with Free plan.
    Since I’ve created my page ( few months ago, all of the pages, products and posts are new (few weeks to a month old), but most of them are not visible neither in Google Search Console or Google SERP.

    I used IndexNow for all the pages, but that didn’t seem to do anything at the moment. In Google Search console, there are only 6 indexed pages ( Only one product archive page, and few product category pages.

    All of the category pages are Index in SEO settings, there’s not a single “Noindex” selected in any of them.

    Where could be the issue?

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