incompatibility issues with TranslatePress

  • Resolved Gabe Krones
    Rank Math free


    this is an open issue via (, where I was asked to contact you guys via Rank Math website, here I am.

    I copy/paste the previous message to make it easier to figure out what it is about (and 2 screen capture videos, reproducing the issue)

    —original message—
    Hi there,

    thanks for the suggestion. Initially (as mentioned) I checked all the plugins one by one. AND the Theme.

    We use Astra, and I donโ€™t know whatโ€™s going on but NEITHER the default Twenty-twenty NOR Astra seems to be working with Rank Math (at least for me)

    1) start โ€“ switch active theme to: default Twenty twenty + plugins: TP and Rank Math โ€“ does not work
    2) disable Rank Math โ€“ it works
    3) same with Astra

    Well, I hope this helps you suggest sg.
    Thanks in advance

    Rank Math wrote:

    Hello @geekayhu

    This seems like an edge-case scenario.

    Can you please use the contact form on our website to contact us so we can test a few more things in a faster way?

    Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.

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  • Hello,

    Thank you for contacting the support and sorry for any inconvenience that might have been caused due to that.

    We might need to take a closer look at the settings. Please edit the first post on this ticket and include your WP logins in the designated Sensitive Data section.
    Sensitive Data Section

    It is completely secure and only our support staff has access to that section. If you want, you can use the below plugin to generate a temporary login URL to your website and share that with us instead:

    You can use the above plugin in conjunction with the WP Security Audit Log to monitor what changes our staff might make on your website (if any):

    We really look forward to helping you.


    I have updated the sensitive data as requested. Can you please check further?

    Thank you.

    Rank Math business


    I did some tests in a local site with TranslatePress and Rank Math but as you can see in the screencast I added in the Sensitive Data section, I was not able to replicate the issue.

    Is your site in production or could we do some tests there? If it is already a live site, could you create a staging site of that site so we can do the tests?

    Looking forward to help you.


    I have updated the sensitive data as requested. Can you please check further?

    Thank you.

    Hi Alberto,

    thanks for getting back.

    Well, before we get into login credentials/testing, another weird thing happened, actually accidentally. Namely, I do not use the front-end login page (as admin I have my bookmarked direct link to admin login), but today I opened the site and DID NOT log in, checked the translation and it was there(???), which was nonsense for me.

    But, here’s the thing. I logged in as admin, and viola, it’s not working again. Yes, I don’t get it, either, so I logged in as a testuser and it works again.
    So, maybe – just thinking, there’s a problem with admin account settings? Anyway, this is way beyond my (non-existing) IT knowledge ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

    screencast as admin:

    screencast as testuser:

    It’s just additional info, so I thought to share.

    I checked your video, but it is NOT block translation what you are doing (but simple/split text. In my case, the problem is when the original text is inline formatted, so it’s easier to translate as 1 block, the initial video shared on is this:

    TP differentiates split text and/or block translation. What you showed works for me as well, as simple text. The problem is, it would take a lifetime to translate a whole inline formatted paragraph (e.g. with /strong/ or /em/ tags), as TP stops every other word, so it means it should be translated word by word or phrase by phrase.

    BTW, this is a semi-live site (but in the development phase, just open to the public, not in Elementor’s maintenance mode anymore), AND all site/database has been backed up today (locally), so you CAN test the site (with the admin credentials in the sensitive data section, previously given)

    Thanks again


    The issue seems to happen only when the user with the admin role views the site. For non-logged-in users, the section is showing the translated text. Can you please give us access to edit the Theme/Plugin code or add your site’s FTP access in the Sensitive Data Section so we can try adding some filter code to disable the admin bar items?

    Looking forward to helping you.


    I don’t really understand how I could give access to the Theme/plugin code, as I gave admin credentials, already.

    Anyway, both admin and FTP is in the sensitive data field.

    have a great day


    Thank you for sharing the FTP details. I logged in to your site and spent considerable time troubleshooting the issue. For some reason, the translated content is not showing on your site because of the quote used in the following text:
    See Google\'s cached version of your site

    Rank Math adds this text to the admin menu bar. This is very strange and I couldn’t find the reason why it’s breaking the translation. Can you get in touch with your server team and ask them if any server settings could prevent the translations from working because of the single quote used in the admin menu bar?

    The issue doesn’t seem to be in the TranslatePress plugin as on my setup it is working fine.

    For now, to fix the issue on your site I have disabled the admin menu bar by removing the Top Admin Bar capability for Admin role from Dashboard >> Rank Math >> Role Manager Settings.

    I hope that helps.

    Hi guys, well, just a quick note, I got another message from our host, Siteground, in order to further investigate the problem they would need more info:

    —Siteground message—
    Apologies for the delay in our reply, Gabe!

    I checked the case in detail and as I understand, according to the RankMath support, the issue with the translation comes from the fact that the ‘See Google\’s cached version of your site’ message comes on the site.

    After following all instructions you already provided, I was not able to see this message anywhere during my tests and this is why I could not investigate the case any further.

    In this case, could you please ask RankMath’s support for the exact steps on how we can see this message, ask them to include screenshots if required.

    Looking forward to your reply.

    Best regards,

    Teodor Apostolov
    Technical Support Team


    Hope it makes sense


    Please tell hosting support team to remove the \' from the following text:

    The translation doesn’t work when this single quote is present in the text.

    I’ve also added screencast in the Sensitive Data Section.

    I hope that helps.

    Hi Pratik,

    the reason I did not understand why Siteground should deal with the problem is that I gave you guys FTP access to the site, so that particular .PHP line could have been fixed (couldn’t it), I mean I did it… I downloaded it via FTP, opened, changed/deleted the excess /’ text in that line and viola, it seems to be working for me as well.
    – check the sensitive data section for scrnsht.

    Could not you guys alter the file via FTP? Or maybe I did something wrong, but seems not.

    Can you check MY alteration of the file? So to see it’s really working, seem I did not screw it up.

    BTW., we have another subsidiary site – – and it has the same issue, see scrnsht – both and in the sensitive data…

    I just checked, if it exists there as well, and it does, so I could change that .PHP as well. Is that enough, so we may “call it a day”, hopefully ๐Ÿ˜ฎ and I will not bother you anymore ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Have a great day


    Removing the single quote from the PHP file is not a solution to this issue. We need to find why it’s happening, why the translation stops working when a single quote is used in the admin menu items. And this seems to happen only on your site so I think some settings on the server is causing this.

    Also, please don’t change any code in the core plugin files. Updating the plugin will overwrite the changes you did. Instead, you can disable the Admin Menu Bar capability for Admin role from Rank Math’s Role Manager settings.

    But this again is a temporary solution. You should get in touch with your hosting team and confirm if some settings on your server is not breaking the translation when a single quote is used.

    I hope this clears the confusion.

    Hi there,

    1st of all I AM sorry for manually intervening, and trying to help with the .PHP, never do again.

    I’ll get in touch with SG, forwarding your messages to assist with the issue.


    Hi there,

    I received a response from SG, but it would need further investigation. I copy/paste the original message. Iโ€™m starting to query, is kt worth the hustle. As I can live without the Admin-bar function. However, itโ€™s just a semi-solution. Anyway, here they go:

    โ€”โ€” SG support team โ€”โ€”

    Thank you for the update.

    As I see, the developers managed to find that the ‘See Google\’s cached version of your site’ message is produced by the Rank Math plugin, more specifically from this file:


    On line 379 with this code:
    ‘meta’ => [ ‘title’ => esc_html__( ‘See Google\’s cached version of your site’, ‘rank-math’ ) ],

    After reviewing your site and server setup I could not find any function that may interpret the single quote in a different way so that the translation plugin functions won’t function.

    It is possible that there is a server factor involved, but we are not familiar with how does the plugin work in detail. This is why in order to investigate the case further, please ask the plugin developers more specific information as to what exact part of the hosting service is causing this issue including logs, screenshots and any other information that may be useful to us.

    I am leaving the ticket open so you can update it with this information.

    Best regards,

    Teodor Apostolov
    Technical Support Team

    โ€”- end โ€”-

    Well, if you can provide them with that specific info, Iโ€™d appreciate it, otherwise Iโ€™m fine with not using the Admin bar.

    Thanks for your patience

    Hi Game,

    Even I am not sure which hosting service is exactly causing the problem. This issue is very strange and it seems to happen only on your site that’s why I told you to contact the hosting team to know if some setting there is causing this.

    For now, I would suggest you disable the Admin bar capability for Admin users from Role Manager settings

    Thank you.

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