image previews not showing on whatsapp

  • Resolved Andrew
    Rank Math free


    I use smush for image compression and have been talking to them about this and they havent been able to offer much help. They suggested it might be worth talking to you and I can see you do seem to have relevant material in your FAQ’s about this however, your information relates to social media and i dont have this problem with social media. As far as I’m aware I only have this problem with whatsapp. Is this something you can help with ?

    Kind regards


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  • Anas
    Rank Math business


    Thank you for contacting Rank Math, and sorry for any inconvenience caused.

    Could you please share the affected URL in the sensitive data section?

    Also please ensure the image’s file size is less than 300kb as that is the maximum size supported by WhatsApp.

    The images that you use should follow the Opengraph Standards.

    We look forward to helping you.

    Pretty much all my listings have this problem and I have hundreds. The problem is I am advertising luxury property and yachts, so my listings must have high resolution slider / cover images. Its the slider / cover images that whatsapp pulls as the preview image, so from what you are saying they are never going to pull a preview as the images are always going to be too big. Is there any solution to this ?


    If you are mainly using high-resolution images for your pages, you can simply set an optimized thumbnail under Rank Math’s Social tab in your editor.

    Please refer to my screenshot here:


    social tab

    If the issue persists, after doing so, kindly share one affected URL so we can take a closer look at it.

    Thank you.

    Thanks, as I say the problem isnt with Facebook, although it does happen very occassionally, I dont think social media is a problem, the problem seems to only be with whatsapp. I dont see what you see in your screenshots either. The thumbnails seem to show as they should but I cant see the 9/100 thing you show.

    As requested, here is an example

    Kind regards


    These links seem to be showing a box without an image at the moment. I’m sure there are times where they dont even show that, they only show the link but I am questioning my memory on that as I just tested it on a few listings

    Rank Math agency


    Whatsapp also fetches the image from the og:image tag of the website. The screenshot that my colleague shared, mentions Facebook as the og tags are generated based on the data added under the Facebook tab of the social section in Rank Math. So you can add a more optimized image here and this would fix this issue.

    I investigated the URL that you’ve shared and there are two issues. Firstly, the size of the image exceeds the 300kb limit (currently it is 576kb) and secondly, the dimensions of the image are also higher than recommended 1200px X 630px (currently it is 2000px X 1334px).

    Please update the image with the recommended size and dimensions and see if that fixes the issue.

    I dont see what you see in your screenshots either. The thumbnails seem to show as they should but I cant see the 9/100 thing you show.

    The 9/100 values and the color of the button changes based on the optimizations of the current page. However, if you’re not seeing it, please ensure that you’ve enabled the Add SEO Controls option from Rank Math > Titles & Meta > Posts/Pages/CPTs.

    Let us know how that goes.

    Thank you.

    I explained at the beginning my slider or cover images exceed and will always exceed that size limit because I advertise luxury products and have to use high res images as do my competition.

    If the only solution is to reduce the size I can of course do that myself but then I make my adverts look less attractive than my competitions so I was hoping there was another solution such as the advert creating a thumbnail or smaller image whatsapp can pull as a preview. But if there is no solution dont worry, its not an issue I cant live with.


    The high-quality images won’t be adjusted on the actual pages when your users visit the page as you would only need to optimize the thumbnail for the opengraph which WhatsApp uses and having 500kb (2000×1334) image size is just too large for WhatsApp.

    Uploading the optimized copy of your HQ image to the social tab will not affect the image quality of the ones you have in the actual content of the page.

    Hope this helps you with your situation.

    Let us know if you have further questions. We are here to help you.

    I just uploaded an image and tried the post link in whatsapp and it still didnt work. So if I upload an image to the social media section do I need to compress it first or is that system supposed to compress it for me ?


    By default, WordPress compressed uploaded images automatically up to 82% of their original size.

    However, the dimensions of your image are still too large. If the issue persists, after optimizing your image for the thumbnail, we might need to take a closer look at the settings. Please edit the first post on this ticket and include your WordPress login in the designated Sensitive Data section.

    Please do take a complete backup of your website before sharing the information with us.
    Sensitive Data Section

    It is completely secure and only our support staff has access to that section. If you want, you can use the below plugin to generate a temporary login URL to your website and share that with us instead:

    You can use the above plugin in conjunction with the WP Security Audit Log to monitor what changes our staff might make on your website (if any):

    We really look forward to helping you.

    When you say edit the first post are you talking about this :

    Rank Math agency


    By the first post, my colleague meant your initial/first message in this ticket.

    Please set a social image of 1200px X 630px with a size under 300kbs and see if the preview appears.

    If not, please share the website logins as requested by my colleague so that we can investigate further.

    Looking forward to helping you.

    Thank you.


    I have updated the sensitive data as requested. Can you please check further?

    Thank you.

    I did write a response but after adding the sensitive data the comment has been removed so I’ll write it again.

    I tried uploading a resized cover image to the social media section of this advert but that didnt work. If you check this please dont resize the actual cover image on the advert.

    From previous comments I’m aware I can reduce the image to below 300kb and upload it to the social media tab in order for the preview to work on whatsapp. However, I was trying to establish if there is a way to automate this. I have hundreds of listings with this problem, so yo fix this for all my adverts from what you are saying the only solution would be to manually go through every listing and follow this process. Is that correct ? Kind regards, Andrew


    I can check that the post that you have shared is generating the link preview with the og:image that you have set:

    Please make sure to use the images that are under 300 KB and have the recommended resolution. If you want to add a different image to each post then you will have to manually add it by editing each of the posts.

    Hope this helps. Let us know if you need any other assistance.



    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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