We apologize for the issue you are facing. To create a news slideshow in Google search results, you would typically need to implement specific structured data (schema markup) that Google recognizes for displaying rich results, such as carousels or slideshows. While Rank Math is designed to help with schema implementation on WordPress sites, it can also provide guidance on structured data for other platforms.
For your specific interest in displaying the latest posts in a slideshow format, you would want to look into implementing the Article schema or NewsArticle schema. This structured data helps Google understand your content better and can enhance how your site appears in search results.
Here are some resources that might help you:
Unfortunately, we don’t have a specific tutorial for non-WordPress sites in our context, but you can use the above resources to guide your implementation.
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I have used rank math with the news article scheme on several websites that I manage: Beritabaru.co ronggo.id etc., but it doesn’t appear as I screenshot in the attachment.
there is a specific tutorial so that it can be like my attachment
Thank you so much for getting in touch.
The search result format in your screenshot is likely powered by Google’s rich results for news websites, which depend on structured data, website authority, and Google’s indexing. While Rank Math’s NewsArticle schema helps, Google ultimately determines the display.
To improve your chances of achieving a similar layout, ensure your site is submitted to Google News Publisher Center (if applicable), properly implements the NewsArticle schema which will be handled by our plugin, maintains regular indexing via Google Search Console, and publishes high-quality, timely content.
Although we don’t have an exact tutorial for replicating that layout, optimizing these factors can improve visibility.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any other questions.
I have applied everything but it doesn’t work like that
Please note that even if you add the schema properly on your pages, Google does not guarantee that features that consume structured data will show up in search results as you can see here: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/appearance/structured-data/article#troubleshooting
According to Google product experts,
Google identifies the top stories using a unique algorithm that relies on several ranking factors. Some of the ranking factors include the relevance and timeliness of the story, the reputation of the publisher, the authoritativeness of the website, user engagement metrics, the website’s technical performance, and the website’s adherence to Google’s content policies and many other signals such as Core Web Vitals that affect ranking.
Google’s Top Stories feature may also consider signals such as the location and device from which the search query was made, as well as the click-through rate and dwell time of the search results displayed.
Hope that helps and please don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any other questions.
Thank you.