My website’s pages was indexed by Google search cnsole.
But now most of my pages in website have stopped indexed. I checked the GSC–> Pages section and it says 19 pages Excluded by ‘noindex’ tag, 1 page Not found and 22 pages crawled-currently not indexed, as u can see below.
Excluded by ‘noindex’ tag Website
Not Started
Not found (404) Website
Not Started
Crawled – currently not indexed Google systems
Not Started
22The first 19 pages are all include tag in URL i.e. https://domain.com/tag/εξωτερικού-χώρου
I followed the path RM –> Titles&Meta –> Global and I changed the Robots Meta, I unchecked the ‘No Index’ and I checked the “Index’’ and I saved the changes.
Then I went to GSC and I resubmitted the sitemap. Although two days passed, these 19 pages remain Excluded by ‘noindex’ tag in GSC.1) How can I fix it? Is it enough I RESUBMITTED the sitemap
should I REGENERATE it first and then submit it again to GSC?2) Also on top it says that my sitemap is: https://domain.com/post_tag-sitemap.xml but when I follow this link it drives to a 404 non-existed page. Why this happens?
3) I want to exclude the tag from URLs. i.e. so from https://domain.com/tag/εξωτερικού-χώρου/
To be –> https://domain.com/εξωτερικού-χώρου/
How can I do this?4) About the 22 Crawled-currently no-indexed 22 pages, most of them have the category in URL i.e. https://domain.com/category/κηπευτικά/feed/
I excluded the category from URLs, I Navigated to Rank Math SEO → General Settings → Links and locate and I enabled the Strip Category Base option.
Then I went to GSC and I resubmitted the sitemap. Although two days passed and the category remains in URLs when I checked the GSC –> pages
How can I fix it?-What is the ‘feed’ in the end of the URL?
Thank u in advance!
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