Thank you for contacting Rank Math and bringing your concern to our attention. I’m sorry for any inconvenience this issue may have caused you.
Could you please share the screenshot of the Google Search Console account of your sitemap? You can upload screenshots using this tool and share the link here.
Is it possible that we did to many redirections of for a group of News (15 news/post)
I’m not sure which redirection you are mentioning here. Could you please provide more details so we can check as well?
Looking forward to helping you.
Thank you.
I have updated the sensitive data as requested. Can you please check further?
Thank you.
Hi I Added the screenshot and the XML of news site
I did de process of flush the Sitemaps copy the new news sitemap and added in Search console
Now the site map have de recents post but Search console only count 23 (the inside the news site map have 26)
In regard the redirections
For Example in the week we does 30 news, but many writers not change the url and for SEO I have created a new short URL (rank math create a redirection when I do this process) My question is, is it possible that to many redirection created a conflict in the sitemap and for this reason google stop read
Creating redirects to your news article shouldn’t cause any issues to your sitemap.
I checked your screenshot and it seems that not all the URLs are submitted to Google.
It is possible that your sitemap is still being cached. Please try applying this filter code into your theme’s functions.php file to completely remove Rank Math’s sitemap file from caching.
add_filter( 'rank_math/sitemap/enable_caching', '__return_false');
After that, remove all your sitemaps from your GSC and resubmit only the primary sitemap (sitemap_index.xml).
Let us know how that goes. Looking forward to helping you.
Hi, the site maps is out of the cache, (last week I´added the code in the Htaccess)
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule .* – [E=Cache-Control:no-cache]
I think that I don’t remove the cache of the site yesterday, do you think if I do the process Flush the site map again I cleare the Cache will work.
What do you think that happen, because when I feed this issue las week all work fine and I don’t understand why google stop crawling the news sitemaps, again
In other, we need to maintain the 2 sitemaps news and the index site map.
This is what we will do: I will flush the site maps, cleare cache , upload the news site maps and cross my fingers, what you think ?
I cleare the cache and change the news site maps, I think that is working I will Waite and I will back to you If you have any recommendation about my last comment let me know
Hi team
Today I did some change
cleare cache and change the news site maps
the index site maps is working fine, but I am not sure if the news site maps is working fine, I added in sensitive data the new news sitemaps, could you help me to check the news sitemap please.
FYI: in search console only count 32 url, but when you click in the XML you see 36 url (this 4 post / URL we added after we upload the new news sitemap)
If you check the screenshot, the last crawling date is February 7th and your new posts are added on the 8th so Google hasn’t seen the new posts from the 8th.
Give it some time for Google to recrawl your website and check the Google Search again.
Looking forward to helping you on this one.
I team
I check the news site maps and I working fine.
I will close this ticket but if the next week I will have the same issue I will back to you thanks for your help
Glad that helped.
Sure, please let us know if the issue still persists.
Please feel free to reach out to us again in case you need any other assistance.
We are here to help.
Thank you.