google job listing

  • Resolved bazorpuzan
    Rank Math free

    hallo ich hab gestern mein rank math konto mit wordpress verbunden. jetzt sind meine jobs nicht auf google jobs gelistet

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  • Hello,

    We apologize for the issue you are facing with your Rank Math account and the Google Jobs listing. To ensure that your job listings appear on Google Jobs, please check the following:

    1. Schema Markup: Make sure that you have properly set up the Job Posting schema in your Rank Math settings. This is crucial for Google to recognize your job listings.

    2. Indexing: Ensure that your job listings are indexed by Google. You can check this by searching for your job titles in Google to see if they appear in the search results.

    3. Google Search Console: Use Google Search Console to check for any issues with indexing or crawling your job pages. This tool can provide insights into how Google views your site.

    4. Content Quality: Ensure that your job listings have unique and high-quality content, as this can affect their visibility on Google.

    If you have checked all these aspects and are still experiencing issues, we recommend replying to this ticket, and a human agent from the Rank Math Support team will assist you further.

    Thank you for raising this concern!


    Please share the affected job URL/s so we can check as well.

    You can add it to the sensitive data section by editing your first post

    Sensitive Data Section

    It is completely secure, and only our support staff has access to that section.

    Looking forward to helping you.


    I have updated the sensitive data as requested. Can you please check further?

    Thank you.

    habe ich bereits, leider nicht auf google zu sehen


    Thank you for reaching out to Rank Math support.

    Based on our investigation, both pages you provided are already indexed by Google and visible to users.

    Please double-check this information and feel free to let us know if you need further assistance.

    Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

    This is Not Google Job posting List,


    We’ve confirmed that the Rank Math JobPosting structured data is being correctly outputted on your website. Therefore, if your jobs aren’t appearing on Google Jobs, it may be because Google hasn’t yet decided to include your website in its job listings. This is the case especially because Google is already aware of your website and your website is included in its general index.

    Furthermore, we’ve observed that the version of your website already indexed by Google contains the JobPosting schema, indicating that Google already recognizes the page as a job posting. Also, please make sure to comply with Google’s guidelines, you can review the Job Posting guidelines.

    We hope this clarifies the issue. Please feel free to ask if you have any further questions or concerns.


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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