General tab issue with Divi

  • Resolved Agarimo Estudio
    Rank Math free

    This issue relates to the tabs shown on the page setup. All tabs from Rank Math SEO plugin are shown correctly but the general one, which does not expand, appears collapsed. If I create a new page or post it works fine but after some modifications it stop working. For the most of pages already created don´t work as well. Here is a screenshot:
    I have checked and tried editing the CSS like I saw in another related post with no luck. All my plugins are up to date and working fine. What can I do? I´m happy with the plugin but this is a core functionality 🙁
    I was expecting last update to solve the problem but it persist.

    Thaks in advance for your help!


    • This topic was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Agarimo Estudio. Reason: Adding login credentials and example urls
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  • Todd
    Rank Math free

    Hi David,

    I will be happy to assist you with the issue you are facing.

    It seems like a conflict with one of the plugins or the theme you are using. To determine that, can you please follow this troubleshooting guide?

    Only the site admin would know and your users won’t be affected by this troubleshooting.

    Thank you Todd,

    here goes my rep steps:

    – I activated the Health check pluging and enabled troubleshooting mode. Then enabled just the Rank Math SEO plugin (and kept Divi as theme)
    – Once there, I gone to the main page edition and, as previously in LIVE mode, the general tab for RMSEO was expanding properly (as before, for a strange reason plugin always worked with start page and fails with others)
    – Then gone to other page which wasn´t working in live mode and the issue persisted, general tab is collapsed always, you can see it here:
    –>So, I think is clearly an issue with Divi. I´m using a child theme so, just in case I changed to “parent” theme with same results.
    – Anyway, I changed active theme on troubleshooting mode (which actually changes the theme in LIVE mode…) but I think results are not comparable as in this case the layout is different, the RMSEO pluging options are hide by default and you have to collapse them through menu and they are shown on the left bar (maybe there´s a way to change to bottom, but I never worked with guttemberg blocks), and in this case the tab shows properly. You can see it here:

    So, it´s incompatibility with Divi, as suspected…what can we do now?
    Thanks and regards!


    Any news around this?

    Rank Math free


    It is working with Rank Math and Divi:

    There has to be something else.

    If that doesn’t work, we might need to take a closer look at the settings. Please include your WP logins in the designated Sensitive Data section.
    Sensitive Data Section

    It is completely secure and only our support staff has access to that section. If you want, you can use the below plugin to generate a temporary login URL to your website and share that with us instead:

    You can use the above plugin in conjunction with the WP Security Audit Log to monitor what changes our staff might make on your website (if any):

    We really look forward to helping you.


    I have updated the sensitive data as requested. Can you please check further?

    Thank you.

    HI Aagarimo,

    Thank you for the temp access.

    I’ve logged in to your site but everything seems to be working as expected as shown below:

    Could you please clear your browser cache or test the affected page on an incognito window?

    Let us know how this goes. Thank you.


    I have updated the sensitive data as requested. Can you please check further?

    Thank you.

    Thank you very much, Michael!
    Well, that´s odd!
    I tried with incognito mode in chrome and in firefox, with same results…so I tried with the user I generated for you and it works! So it´s an user-related issue!
    As per my concerns, now I can work with the plugin just using another admin account but I shared my own credentials so you can test if you want to investigate further (security experts are probably jumping from building windows now 🙂
    Thanks a lot!!

    Hi Agarimo,

    Thank you for getting back to us.

    It looks like this is related to current admin account.

    We are currently investigating this problem and we will be in touch in a short while.

    We appreciate your patience. Thank you.

    Rank Math free

    Hi Dave,

    When logged in using that user, this is the only error I see in the JS Console:


    I think there is something on that page that is causing the JS to not load correctly. I am not sure why it is happening only for your user account.

    I tried exporting the page layout so I can test locally but there is another issue when I tried. Clicking any option opens your homepage in a new tab. Perhaps the issue is related.

    I would recommend duplicating the page and removing all the content. That will tell you if the issue is really with the content or there is something else going on.

    Finally, you can use any other account as a workaround 🙂

    Hope that helps and please do not hesitate to let us know if you need our assistance with anything else.

    Thank you very much, guys!
    I´ll investigate further!
    Have a nice day

    Hi there,

    Ok, sounds good 🙂

    Please let us know if we can provide any additional help!

    Thank you.

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