I use a template on my blog so all the posts have a similar layout and answer the same questions, so when I write about a destination it always has price, opening hours, etc as headings so users can jump to the answer using the table of contents.
If I converted these to FAQ schema, would my current layout display correctly or would I need to switch to the FAQ schema? (both examples below)
Current layout:
Opening Hours (H3)
“Destination name” is open daily from 09:00-17:00
Exceptions: Closed ChristmasFAQ schema layout:
“Destination name” Opening Hours” (H3)
Exceptions: Closed ChristmasOr would it be better to keep my current layout, add some faq schema answering the questions again and hide them with the eye icon? (examples below)
Opening Hours (H3)
“Destination name” is open daily from 09:00-17:00
Exceptions: Closed ChristmasHidden FAQ schema layout:
“Destination name” Opening Hours” (H3)
Exceptions: Closed Christmas
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