This may just be a Facebook quirk, but it might either be something I’m doing wrong in the settings or something wrong with how RankMath is using the API. When I post links from my website to my Facebook page, they consistently display the wrong images.
I have images set in each post in the “Social” section, and Facebook is consistently using something else — I think it’s my “Featured image.” This is not the end of the world, but they have different proportions, which means my Facebook posts are never displaying the blog titles without chopping them off.
As an example, this Facebook post:
https://www.facebook.com/titus2homemaker/posts/pfbid0MEE7K1mUBKFYFfpGX31xivQTfNVpAePJBMKvGtnRCAioxjqmzkRuXtNBoSjomvaVl..should be using the horizontal image that’s at the top of the post here:
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