Facebook image not showing for all pages

  • Resolved András Bondor
    Rank Math free


    First of all, great plugin!

    I’m facing an issue where I can set the facebook meta image correctly in the main dashboard, and on each of my posts/pages separately. This works fine.

    However when I’m sharing a link which is autogenerated (forum page, or shop page for example), which doesn’t have a corresponding page where meta information can be set, or when meta information is not filled out I’m getting the following error in facebook debugger:

    The ‘og:image’ property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags.

    Is there way NOT to require filling out the meta information on each page/post manually? Posts that have a featured image doesn’t suffer this problem, but posts/pages without one do.

    Thanks a lot in advance!

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  • Todd
    Rank Math free

    Hi András,

    Thanks for getting in touch with us.

    That is the expected behaviour.

    Rank Math picks your featured image and uses that as your og:image field for Facebook and other social media websites.

    If the featured image is missing, there is no image for us to grab.

    You can use a free plugin to automatically assign a default image as your featured image if it is missing. That will do the trick.

    Hope that helps and please do not hesitate to let us know if you need our assistance with anything else.

    Hi Todd,

    Thanks for getting back to me!

    On the Rankmath setting page the following text is present:
    “When a featured image is not set, this image will be used as a thumbnail when your post is shared on Facebook. Recommended image size 1200 x 630 pixels.”

    This seems to be controversial to what you’ve just said. If the statement on the plugin’s setting page is true, then why another plugin is needed?

    Thanks again!


    Thank you for contacting Rank Math today.

    The following link is a screenshot of your site from FB crawler and the og:image seems to be working perfectly fine. https://snipboard.io/D0SMGi.jpg.

    Please check and let us know if your issue has been resolved.

    Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.


    Hi Michael,

    I did set up the other plugin as recommended by Todd. I also took a look around as I experienced some general issues in the meta images not showing up correctly, but this was caused by a recent plugin I installed (Autoptimize).

    I further examined the behavior of RankMath and I came to the conclusion that the following happens:
    – if a featured image is set, it’s used for the meta tag
    – if a featured image is not set, but the page contains an image, the first one is added as the meta image
    – if no featured image nor other image is detected on the page, the default image set in the settings is used.

    So, all is well. It’s just that the second step isn’t self-explanatory. Thanks a lot for your support!


    I am glad that you were able to fix this 🙂

    Feel free to contact us should any other issues come up.

    Thank you.

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