Exact Keyword

  • Resolved FashionClap
    Rank Math free

    Hello, I have been implementing the SEO using your plugin on the latest products added to the website, and I have 2 questions:
    1) If I choose a specific keyword for the “Focus Keyword” for example: “Zadig Voltaire Aline Cardigan”, does it cover broad matches of the keyword too or is it only the exact match. For example, if someone wrote “Zadig and Voltaire Aline Cardigan” or “Zadig & Voltaire Aline Cardigan” will my website appear due to the SEO?
    2) I have chosen as a focus Keyword “Zadig Voltaire Aline Awa cheri cardigan” for a specific product, and one of the tests didn’t pass warning me “Focus Keyword not found in subheading(s) like H2, H3, H4, etc..” even though it’s written in the headings title as seen in attached image below.
    Please advise.

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  • Prabhat
    Rank Math agency


    Thank you for contacting us.

    1. Currently, we look for the exact match of the focus keywords, and variations of the keywords would not be identified. This is something that we plan to improve in the future but currently, we do not have an ETA on that.

    However, we’ve already implemented this in the keyword density test and the keyword density test now takes all the variations of the focus keyword into account so you can also type in plural forms, synonyms, LSIs, etc.

    With that being said, Google would be able to easily identify the variations of your keywords in the content and would show your website for relevant queries.

    2. Since we’re looking for exact matches, your focus keyword isn’t exactly matching the heading in your screenshot and thus the test is not getting passed.

    Also, it seems like the heading in your screenshot is the main heading of the product. The test for the presence of focus keywords in sub-headings looks for the focus keyword in sub-headings and not the main heading.

    However, please note that these tests are only there for your reference to help you in optimizing your content. If you feel any of them doesn’t apply, please feel free to ignore them.

    Hope this helps.

    Thank you.

    Rank Math pro
    Content AI Starter

    This is the one feature of Yoast that is much better than Rank Math.

    This is a big problem for me because if I write normally, which is important for Google, I will use synonyms. Since Rank Math doesn’t recognize synonyms, I won’t get a good score with green background in the dashboard under SEO Details. While you may think the score is not important, that would be incorrect because it’s what tells me I already optimized that page. I have hundreds of pages and I need to know which ones I already optimized.

    I can either ignore the Rank Math score or optimize to get a good score which I think is not good.

    Rank Math business


    Thank you for your valuable insight. We have taken note of your request for the recognition of keyword variations when calculating SEO scores.

    We are always looking for ways to improve and hopefully broad matches for keywords is a feature that will make in into a future version of Rank Math.

    If you have questions, do not hesitate to ask. We are here to help.

    Rank Math pro
    Content AI Starter

    Thank you

    Rank Math business


    We are glad we could address your concerns. If you need help with anything, please open a new ticket and we’ll be happy to help.

    Thank you.

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