error on line 2 at column 6: XML

  • Resolved Hugo
    Rank Math free

    Hi there, i have just switch from yoast to rankmath.
    I have this error for sitemap : “error on line 2 at column 6: XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document”
    I have done some research and tryed to fix it on my staging site first. Here is what i have done yet :
    – removed all content from my function.php
    – changed theme
    – disable all plugin except RankMath and Woocommerce
    – Resave and even changed permalink.
    – clear cache multiple times .
    – asked my host (kinsta) to add the line you recommend in nginx conf.
    Now i’m out of idea … So if you got some ideas to stay on rankmath …


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  • Hugo
    Rank Math free

    OK, i found my way out, was a space in the wp-config.php …


    Glad that this is resolved.

    Please feel free to reach out to us again in case you need any other assistance.

    We are here to help.

    Thank you.

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