Erreur Php

  • Resolved Luc NAROLLES
    Rank Math free

    Even if the problem is solved, the php errors are there
    see last ticket

    [29-Aug-2024 16:14:37 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “display_name” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php on line 445
    [29-Aug-2024 15:36:04 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “ID” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php on line 445
    [29-Aug-2024 15:36:04 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “display_name” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php on line 445

Viewing 15 replies - 31 through 45 (of 51 total)
  • Hello
    I added after line 445
    of the class-breadcrumbs.php file
    Should I do something else ….


    At the moment you just need to monitor the error log so that when the warning appears again it will also show a message with the path to the page where this happened.

    Thank you.

    Rank Math free

    Hello @miguel

    [11-Oct-2024 08:17:48 UTC] WordPress database error Commands out of sync; you can’t run this command now for query DELETE FROM wp_options WHERE option_name LIKE ‘%\\_transient\\_sitemap\\_1%’ made by shutdown_action_hook, do_action(‘shutdown’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, RankMath\Sitemap\Cache_Watcher::clear_queued, RankMath\Sitemap\Cache::invalidate_storage, RankMath\Sitemap\Cache::clear_transients, RankMath\Admin\Database\Query_Builder->delete, RankMath\Admin\Database\Query_Builder->query


    The error log shared in the latest message is not related to the previous situation.

    That error happens when there are two simultaneous queries running at the same time which is why that action is failing. But that is just temporary as when the buffer is cleared the action will run.

    Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any other questions.

    Rank Math free

    For today here are the warnings – without additional indication

    [14-Oct-2024 10:28:19 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “ID” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php on line 449
    [14-Oct-2024 10:28:19 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “display_name” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php on line 449
    [14-Oct-2024 10:24:14 UTC]
    [14-Oct-2024 10:10:19 UTC]
    [14-Oct-2024 08:11:00 UTC]
    [14-Oct-2024 08:50:01 UTC]
    [14-Oct-2024 08:50:08 UTC]


    Are you sure you added the code we mentioned previously? Please note that if you have updated the plugin in the meantime the code would have been removed.

    We ask that because the warning is shown but there are no logs of the error code so most likely the code was removed with the update, but this is related to the plugin being called on author pages that are not actually global author objects as we referenced before.

    Looking forward to hearing back from you.


    Indeed it had disappeared
    I added the two lines 447 448
    and I added in wp config
    define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true );
    define( ‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true);


    * Trail for author archives.
    private function add_crumbs_author() {
    global $author;

    $userdata = get_userdata( $author );
    $this->add_crumb( sprintf( $this->strings[‘archive_format’], $this->get_breadcrumb_title( ‘user’, $userdata->ID, $userdata->display_name ) ) );


    That sounds good.

    Please keep a close eye on that file to make sure that if the code gets deleted between updates you add it again.

    Besides that, it’s just a waiting game for the error to be triggered again and the log should then show at least some information about the page where this is happening.

    Thank you.

    Rank Math free

    Hi I think that answers your question

    [07-Nov-2024 16:07:54 UTC] 23
    [07-Nov-2024 16:07:54 UTC] /author/narolles/
    [07-Nov-2024 16:20:05 UTC] 0
    [07-Nov-2024 16:20:05 UTC] /author/harry/page/9/
    [07-Nov-2024 16:20:05 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “ID” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php on line 451
    [07-Nov-2024 16:20:05 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “display_name” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php on line 451
    [07-Nov-2024 16:20:09 UTC] 0
    [07-Nov-2024 16:20:09 UTC] /author/harry/page/8/
    [07-Nov-2024 16:20:09 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “ID” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php on line 451
    [07-Nov-2024 16:20:09 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “display_name” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php on line 451
    [07-Nov-2024 13:53:16 UTC] 0
    [07-Nov-2024 13:53:16 UTC] /author/motte/
    [07-Nov-2024 13:53:16 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “ID” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php on line 451
    [07-Nov-2024 13:53:16 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “display_name” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php on line 451
    [07-Nov-2024 14:19:03 UTC] 23
    [07-Nov-2024 14:19:03 UTC] /author/narolles/
    [07-Nov-2024 08:14:41 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “user_login” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-admin/users.php on line 385
    [07-Nov-2024 08:49:22 UTC] 23
    [07-Nov-2024 08:49:22 UTC] /author/narolles/
    [07-Nov-2024 08:55:35 UTC] 0
    [07-Nov-2024 08:55:35 UTC] /author/wagenaar/
    [07-Nov-2024 08:55:35 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “ID” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php on line 451
    [07-Nov-2024 08:55:35 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “display_name” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php on line 451
    [07-Nov-2024 08:57:31 UTC] 0
    [07-Nov-2024 08:57:31 UTC] /author/wagenaar/
    [07-Nov-2024 08:57:31 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “ID” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php on line 451
    [07-Nov-2024 08:57:31 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “display_name” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php on line 451
    [07-Nov-2024 10:13:59 UTC] 23
    [07-Nov-2024 10:13:59 UTC] /author/narolles/
    [07-Nov-2024 10:37:58 UTC] 23
    [07-Nov-2024 10:37:58 UTC] /author/narolles/
    [07-Nov-2024 10:55:49 UTC] PHP Warning: file_get_contents(/home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-loader.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6864
    [07-Nov-2024 11:07:07 UTC] 0
    [07-Nov-2024 11:07:07 UTC] /author/aguiar/page/14/
    [07-Nov-2024 11:07:07 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “ID” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php on line 451
    [07-Nov-2024 11:07:07 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “display_name” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php on line 451
    [07-Nov-2024 11:08:23 UTC] 0
    [07-Nov-2024 11:08:23 UTC] /author/maindreville/page/6/
    [07-Nov-2024 11:08:23 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “ID” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php on line 451
    [07-Nov-2024 11:08:23 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “display_name” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php on line 451
    [07-Nov-2024 11:10:12 UTC] 0
    [07-Nov-2024 11:10:12 UTC] /author/motte/
    [07-Nov-2024 11:10:12 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “ID” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php on line 451
    [07-Nov-2024 11:10:12 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “display_name” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php on line 451
    [07-Nov-2024 11:13:26 UTC] 0
    [07-Nov-2024 11:13:26 UTC] /author/harry/page/5/
    [07-Nov-2024 11:13:26 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “ID” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php on line 451
    [07-Nov-2024 11:13:26 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “display_name” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php on line 451
    [07-Nov-2024 11:13:52 UTC] 0
    [07-Nov-2024 11:13:52 UTC] /author/michaux/
    [07-Nov-2024 11:13:52 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “ID” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php on line 451
    [07-Nov-2024 11:13:52 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “display_name” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php on line 451
    [07-Nov-2024 11:21:25 UTC] 86
    [07-Nov-2024 11:21:25 UTC] /author/urban/
    [07-Nov-2024 11:42:06 UTC] Erreur d’événement de replanification de tâche pour le crochet automator_wp_post_published_in_taxonomy_posts_published. Code d’erreur : could_not_set. Message d’erreur : La liste des évènements planifiés n’a pas pu être sauvegardée.. Données : {“schedule”:”every_minute”,”args”:[],”interval”:60}
    [07-Nov-2024 11:43:00 UTC] 23
    [07-Nov-2024 11:43:00 UTC] /author/narolles/
    [07-Nov-2024 11:58:47 UTC] 2
    [07-Nov-2024 11:58:47 UTC] /author/jaf2012/
    [07-Nov-2024 12:09:22 UTC] 0
    [07-Nov-2024 12:09:22 UTC] /author/motte/
    [07-Nov-2024 12:09:22 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “ID” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php on line 451
    [07-Nov-2024 12:09:22 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “display_name” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php on line 451
    [07-Nov-2024 12:13:34 UTC] 0
    [07-Nov-2024 12:13:34 UTC] /author/michaux/
    [07-Nov-2024 12:13:34 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “ID” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php on line 451
    [07-Nov-2024 12:13:34 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “display_name” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php on line 451
    [07-Nov-2024 12:22:38 UTC] 0
    [07-Nov-2024 12:22:38 UTC] /author/harry/page/3/
    [07-Nov-2024 12:22:38 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “ID” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php on line 451
    [07-Nov-2024 12:22:38 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “display_name” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php on line 451
    [07-Nov-2024 12:29:11 UTC] 0
    [07-Nov-2024 12:29:11 UTC] /author/aguiar/page/7/
    [07-Nov-2024 12:29:11 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “ID” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php on line 451
    [07-Nov-2024 12:29:11 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “display_name” on false in /home/jardinerieanimal/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/includes/frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php on line 451
    [07-Nov-2024 12:30:00 UTC] 86
    [07-Nov-2024 12:30:00 UTC] /author/urban/
    [07-Nov-2024 12:30:33 UTC] 23
    [07-Nov-2024 12:30:33 UTC] /author/narolles/


    Looking at the error log we can see that like we suspected this is happening on author pages and is likely caused by BuddyBoss since they take ownership of the author pages when you have it installed.

    This is not really an issue but rather an annoyance, however, if a page returns true to the function is_author() it should have the global $author variable enabled but if BuddyBoss is already making use of that or modifying it, our plugin cannot retrieve the user data from that variable.

    Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any other questions.

    Rank Math free

    I sent your message to Buddyboss support
    you could find a solution together by exchanging with them
    for the interest of all


    Did you send an email to our inbox? Or did you contact BussyBoss to investigate the issue further?

    We don’t see any email in our inbox about it.

    Thank you.

    Rank Math free

    I sent your message to Buddyboss support

    Rank Math free

    Hi Luc,

    This is Rajin from the Senior Technical team, and I will be assisting you with your issues today.

    I understand your concern regarding the problem you are facing. Would you please be able to share with RankMath to check if they can please share more technical details with us, regarding where the global $author variable is getting a null, and how that’s being caused by BuddyBoss? Our product team will check on it to get this fixed.

    Rajin | BuddyBoss Senior Technical Support


    We already explained above that the author pages are controlled by BuddyBoss when that plugin is installed and as such when our plugin tries to load the breadcrumbs on those pages and calls the function get_userdata() on the global variable it gets a value of false.

    For further clarification they can always reach out to us via the email address: s******@r***********

    Thank you.

Viewing 15 replies - 31 through 45 (of 51 total)

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