Erreur 503 sur enregistrement des modifications

  • Resolved Denis ANCEL
    Rank Math free

    Installation recente de Rank Math en vue de remplacer Yoast SEO (actuellement désactivé) version Free mise à jour 1.0.224.
    Souhaiterai passer en Pro mais impossible de modifier les réglages généraux ou titres & Méta sans provoquer une erreur 503.
    Jamais eu ce probléme avant avec Yoast.

    J’ai lu et suivi les conseils mais rien n’a permis de résoudre le probléme.

    qu’elle pourrait être l’origine du bug ?


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  • Hello,

    We apologize for the issue you are facing with the 503 error while trying to save changes in Rank Math. This error can often be caused by server-related issues or conflicts with other plugins or themes.

    Here are a few potential causes and solutions you can try:

    1. Server Overload: A 503 error typically indicates that the server is temporarily unable to handle the request. This could be due to high traffic or resource limitations on your hosting plan. You may want to check with your hosting provider to see if there are any server issues.

    2. ModSecurity: Sometimes, ModSecurity can block requests from plugins like Rank Math. You might want to contact your hosting provider and ask them to temporarily disable ModSecurity to see if that resolves the issue. Remember to enable it again after making your changes for security reasons.

    3. Plugin Conflicts: Since you mentioned that you had Yoast SEO installed previously, there might be remnants of that plugin causing conflicts. Ensure that all related plugins are completely deactivated and removed.

    4. PHP Version: Ensure that your server is running a compatible version of PHP for Rank Math. We recommend using PHP 7.2 or higher.

    5. Error Logs: Check your server’s error logs for any specific messages related to the 503 error, which might give you more insight into what is causing the issue.

    If none of these solutions work, we recommend replying to this ticket, and a human agent from the Rank Math Support team will take over and assist you further.

    Thank you for raising this concern, and we hope to help you resolve it soon!

    Why Rank Math Settings Are Not Getting Saved? » Rank Math

    Désolé, mais j’ai retiré complétement Yoast SEO et vérifié tous les points.
    Le problème de 503 est toujours la.


    Thank you for contacting us and we are sorry for any inconvenience that might have been caused due to that.

    5xx errors are usually caused due to server misconfiguration or other server issues.

    Can you please share the website error log with us? Having the error log file will give a clear idea of why this might be happening.

    You can follow this guide to enable debugging in WordPress or you can get in touch with your web host, and they will help you locate the log file.

    We are looking forward to hearing from you.

    Thank you.

    Merci pour votre retour. Après de très nombreuses investigations, j’ai tenté de supprimer les CDN de tous les sites du multisite concerné !
    L’erreur 503 est disparue, pour faire place à des erreurs critiques. Cela à permis de détecter un conflit avec un autre plugin de géolocalisation Code Spacing Progress Map, que je n’avais pas avant avec Yoast SEO.
    Le problème c’est que sur certain site, je ne peux pas m’en passer !
    Y a t-il une solution pour ce genre de cas, ou faut-il me résigner à retirer Rank Math et remettre Yoast ?

    Par avance Merci.


    To investigate this issue further, we might need to take a closer look at your website and settings. Please follow these steps:

    • Edit the first post on this ticket and include your WordPress and FTP logins in the Sensitive Data section. This is a secure section that only our support staff can access.
      Sensitive Data Section
    • Make sure you take a complete backup of your website before sharing the information with us.
    • If you prefer, you can use this plugin to generate a temporary login URL to your website and share that with us instead:
    • You can also use this plugin to monitor what changes our staff might make on your website (if any):

    We appreciate your cooperation and patience.

    Thank you for choosing Rank Math.


    Merci pour votre retour.
    Proposition intéressante, mais vous m’amenez sur un terrain que je ne maitrise pas avec encore plus de plugin !
    De plus les 12 heures de latence entre les questions et réponses, peuvent entrainer des disfonctionnements ou des réactions trop lente à la veille d’un week-end, d’ailleurs des décisions ont déjà été prises depuis.
    J’hésite pour la suite, car ce mode de support n’est pas vraiment attirant !



    We understand your concerns about the support process. To better assist you and expedite the resolution, we kindly request your login details so our team can directly investigate and address the issue promptly.

    Please share the login credentials in the sensitive data section if you are not comfortable using the suggested plugin.

    Thank you for your cooperation.

    We look forward to hearing from you.


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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