Elementor / Rankmath not saving keywords

  • Hello, I’m having a problem saving SEO info on posts: I try to save a focus keyword for a post and after a refresh, the keyword is not present.
    For example, you can take the post “Covid PCR Swab Test in Rome – Where and How?” and try to add the keyword “pcr swab test” and save it. When reloading the keyword is not there.

    I’ve tried to disable all plugins that could have a conflict with that, including the one that Elementor reports as possible conflict (it is name Redirection and it serves some old urls redirection to the new urls), but nothing changed.

    Using the chrome developer’s console, I have found that when clicking on “UPDATE” button, there’s a api call that gets a 404 (I have posted the URL in the sensitive data section)

    which returns:

    “code”: “rest_no_route”,
    “message”: “No route was found matching the URL and request method”,
    “data”: {
    “status”: 404

    could it be that?

    Thank you,


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  • I’m reading in your forum that other person had a similar problem, but I see that all of them have error 403, while instead we have error 404

    Rank Math business


    Thank you for contacting Rank Math and sorry for any inconvenience that might have been caused due to that.

    Just to be sure, some optimization plugins (or even some security ones) disable the WordPress API REST, could you check if you have some plugin or even some setting in your hosting disabling it? Since the 404 error could indicate it.

    Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.



    the WP Rest API is enable, I can see this at https://www.doctorsinitaly.com/wp-json/rankmath/v1/


    https://www.doctorsinitaly.com/wp-json/rankmath/v1/updateMeta gives a 404:

    “namespace”: “rankmath/v1”,
    “routes”: {
    “/rankmath/v1”: {
    “namespace”: “rankmath/v1”,
    “methods”: [
    “endpoints”: [
    “methods”: [
    “args”: {
    “namespace”: {
    “required”: false,
    “default”: “rankmath/v1”
    “context”: {
    “required”: false,
    “default”: “view”
    “_links”: {
    “self”: [
    “href”: “https://www.doctorsinitaly.com/wp-json/rankmath/v1”
    “/rankmath/v1/saveModule”: {
    “namespace”: “rankmath/v1”,
    “methods”: [
    “endpoints”: [
    “methods”: [
    “args”: {
    “module”: {
    “required”: true,
    “description”: “Module slug”,
    “type”: “string”
    “state”: {
    “required”: true,
    “description”: “Module state either on or off”,
    “type”: “string”
    “_links”: {
    “self”: [
    “href”: “https://www.doctorsinitaly.com/wp-json/rankmath/v1/saveModule”
    “/rankmath/v1/updateRedirection”: {
    “namespace”: “rankmath/v1”,
    “methods”: [
    “endpoints”: [
    “methods”: [
    “args”: []
    “_links”: {
    “self”: [
    “href”: “https://www.doctorsinitaly.com/wp-json/rankmath/v1/updateRedirection”
    “/rankmath/v1/autoUpdate”: {
    “namespace”: “rankmath/v1”,
    “methods”: [
    “endpoints”: [
    “methods”: [
    “args”: []
    “_links”: {
    “self”: [
    “href”: “https://www.doctorsinitaly.com/wp-json/rankmath/v1/autoUpdate”
    “/rankmath/v1/toolsAction”: {
    “namespace”: “rankmath/v1”,
    “methods”: [
    “endpoints”: [
    “methods”: [
    “args”: []
    “_links”: {
    “self”: [
    “href”: “https://www.doctorsinitaly.com/wp-json/rankmath/v1/toolsAction”
    “/rankmath/v1/updateMode”: {
    “namespace”: “rankmath/v1”,
    “methods”: [
    “endpoints”: [
    “methods”: [
    “args”: []
    “_links”: {
    “self”: [
    “href”: “https://www.doctorsinitaly.com/wp-json/rankmath/v1/updateMode”
    “/rankmath/v1/updateMeta”: {
    “namespace”: “rankmath/v1”,
    “methods”: [
    “endpoints”: [
    “methods”: [
    “args”: {
    “objectType”: {
    “required”: true,
    “description”: “Object Type i.e. post, term, user”,
    “type”: “string”
    “objectID”: {
    “required”: true,
    “description”: “Object unique id”,
    “type”: “integer”
    “meta”: {
    “required”: true,
    “description”: “Meta to add or update data.”
    “_links”: {
    “self”: [
    “href”: “https://www.doctorsinitaly.com/wp-json/rankmath/v1/updateMeta”
    “/rankmath/v1/disconnectSite”: {
    “namespace”: “rankmath/v1”,
    “methods”: [
    “endpoints”: [
    “methods”: [
    “args”: {
    “token”: {
    “required”: true,
    “description”: “Site token”,
    “type”: “string”
    “_links”: {
    “self”: [
    “href”: “https://www.doctorsinitaly.com/wp-json/rankmath/v1/disconnectSite”
    “/rankmath/v1/updateMetaBulk”: {
    “namespace”: “rankmath/v1”,
    “methods”: [
    “endpoints”: [
    “methods”: [
    “args”: {
    “rows”: {
    “required”: true,
    “description”: “No meta rows found to update.”
    “_links”: {
    “self”: [
    “href”: “https://www.doctorsinitaly.com/wp-json/rankmath/v1/updateMetaBulk”
    “_links”: {
    “up”: [
    “href”: “https://www.doctorsinitaly.com/wp-json/”


    I checked your site and it seems to be throwing a net::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID error by just adding the keyword even before updating the post, please check the screencast I have added in the sensitive section. In another instance it showed failed to load resource.

    Please check that you have a valid SSL certificate for your site and also ensure your server time is correctly set.

    If that’s done, it is likely something is blocking rank math API on your site. I tried to use the troubleshooting mode but it doesn’t seem to work on your site. You can switch to a default theme and with only Rank math and Elementor plugins active, check if the issue still persists. Let us know how it goes.

    Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.


    Hi Michael,

    the error you show me in the video is not the issue I reported, it says that the domain rankmathapi.com SSL certificate (issued with Let’s Encrypt) has expired yesterday (19/08) at 7:43 in the morning:


    before the 19/08 that error was not showing. You should update the SSL cert on your rankmathapi.com server. It is not our SSL certificate.

    I have further inspected the flow of actions that happens when updating a post with metadata. I see that the API endpoint:


    is correctly called with POST method to submit the payload with keyword, SEO rank, etc. of the post:

    {“objectID”:xxxx (hidden),”objectType”:”post”,”meta”:{“rank_math_seo_score”:26,”rank_math_focus_keyword”:”covid swab test”}}

    The API endpoint responds with a 301 redirect to

    GET https://www.doctorsinitaly.com/wp-json/rankmath/v1/updateMeta/?_locale=user

    which returns error because that endpoint accepts only POST calls, as specified in the API schema that appears at


    So the error I initially reported possibly is not relevant to the problem.

    Are there any logs that report what happens when the POST call is done?

    Thank you,



    Could you please now? We had some issue with that domain but it is working now and you should get the keyword suggestions, as well as everything else, should work fine now.

    Could you please check now?

    Hello Uzair, thank your for your help. Unfortunately no, it’s not working.
    I tried both inside elementor (using the SEO tab) and outside, from the dashboard. It does not retain the settings.
    Just to let you know: the first two attempts to update the page after changing the rankmath settings for SEO, brought to a 401 and 400 errors.

    Thank you!


    The login link you added in the Sensitive Data Section is expired. Please regenerate the login link and keep the expiration time to at least 3 days.

    Looking forward to helping you.


    I have updated the sensitive data as requested. Can you please check further?

    Thank you.


    Thank you for providing the access details. This issue on your site is not specific to the Rank Math plugin but all the API calls ( like https://www.site_url.com/wp-json/wp/v2/users/me?_locale=user ) are showing 301 error. Please check the screencast I added in the Sensitive Data Section.

    To me it looks like some rule in htaccess file is causing this problem. Please try the following:

    1) Backup your htaccess file
    2) Replace the rules in htaccess file with the default WordPress htaccess rules
    2) Update permalink & clear the cache.
    3) Now check, if the Rest endpoints are working by updating the post data.
    4) If it worked, then try adding the rules from the backup file one by one till you find the rule which is breaking the endpoints.

    If it doesn’t fix the issue by adding the default rules then please get in touch with your hosting provider and ask them if they have any server cache enabled or any rules on the server which is preventing the endpoints from working on the site.

    I hope that helps.


    I have updated the sensitive data as requested. Can you please check further?

    Thank you.


    Pratik’s answer was resolutive, there was a old htaccess that was redirecting some api calls. Thank you a lot for your support.

    However, there is now a odd behaviour about the SEO score: the score that appears while editing usually is not the same that appears in the Post list.

    For example if you take the first Post of the list (Covid PCR Swab Test in Rome – Where and How?) you will see that in the list it says 86/100 while if you go to edit it, it will say 79/100

    If you want to look I’ve put a new temporary login link in the sensitive data section.

    Thank you,


    Rank Math business


    Thank you for contacting Rank Math and sorry for any inconvenience that might have been caused due to that.

    This is expected behavior, the score is different when editing within Elementor since the page builder adds shortcodes to the page and this cannot be analyzed properly as compared to WP post editor.

    Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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