discrepancy in score

  • Resolved Adi Yagil
    Rank Math free

    Hi Guys,

    for some reason, I’m getting 2 different scores for the same page. For example, in the below example, when viewing the page score within the all pages section, the score is 62 but when viewing the page within editor mode, the score is 57.

    Why is that?

    Here’s a screenshot that demonstrates that:


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  • Michael Davis
    Rank Math pro


    Thank you for contacting Rank Math today.

    Since you are using Elementor to add your page content, you should mainly consider the score shown wile on Elementor. This is because page builders such as Elementor add the page content via Shortcodes which sometimes appear as jumbled content outside the editor and therefore giving different analysis score.

    Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.


    Adi Yagil
    Rank Math free

    Hi Michael and thanks for your reply.

    Both of the screenshots I provided were taken from WP default areas: pages section & page editor (not Elementor editor) so it would be great if you could clarify which one of these would be the most accurate.

    But here’s an even more important question:
    I understand that since I’m using Elementor this calculation could be different but this still doesn’t explain why you as a plugin are showing 2 different scores.

    Just to clarify, some of my sites (also built with Elementor) are using Yoast and in there I don’t get a situation where I have 2 different scores.

    Can you clarify why this is the case with your plugin?



    The score you see on the post edit screen is the correct and real-time score. The one in the list view is the saved one.

    Please hit the save button in the post edit screen and the same score will propagate to the post list screen.

    If the score doesn’t change there, then we might need:
    1. Your focus keyword
    2. A copy of the content you are using.

    We look forward to hearing back from you.

    Thanks Uzair but you only replied to the first part of my question.
    I’m attaching it again:

    But here’s an even more important question:
    I understand that since I’m using Elementor this calculation could be different but this still doesn’t explain why you as a plugin are showing 2 different scores.

    Just to clarify, some of my sites (also built with Elementor) are using Yoast and in there I don’t get a situation where I have 2 different scores.

    Can you clarify why this is the case with your plugin?


    The only reasons Rank Math would show a different in the post list view and the post itself is because:

    1. There were some changes made to the content using something other than the WP editor or the changes were made while Rank Math was disabled.

    2. Something changed in your theme that is causing Rank Math to re-calculate the score when you open the post.

    To clarify, Rank Math runs the tests when you are editing the post or when the post edit screen is open. When you hit the save button, that score gets propagated to the post list view. When you open the post again a few days later, the score will get calculated again as soon as you open the post. If something has changed in the content since last time (or for example you installed a ToC plugin) – then the score will be different than the one you see in the post list. But, as soon as you hit the save button, that score will reflect in the post list view as well.

    Hope that helps and please do not hesitate to let us know if you need our assistance with anything else.


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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