DB constantly growing +rankmath_google_api_failed_attempts_data in options table

  • Resolved Bernard Street
    Rank Math free

    Hi Rankmath team,

    I’m in the process of working through my wp_options table to clean up any unneccessary autoload data. I have rankmath_google_api_failed_attempts_data which is showing at 110kb. Could you let me know if this can be turned to autoload – off?

    In monitoring my database I’m also getting huge and constant growth of the wp_options table (~400-600mb/day increasing every 40-60 minutes). Through extensive activating and deactivating plugins and monitoring DB growth I was able to identify this is predominantly coming from Rank Math when it was activated.

    I’m not currently using Google API with Rankmath options, but somehow I’m wondering if these could be connected. I also am using define( ‘WP_HTTP_BLOCK_EXTERNAL’, true); to block external http requests.

    Could you let me know if there is any documentation to troubleshoot further.

    Warm regards,


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  • Hello,

    Sorry for the issues. First of all, the daily ~400-600mb growth of the options table is definitely a problem, that should not happen. Were you able to determine which rows in the table are getting written with that much data?

    The rankmath_google_api_failed_attempts_data option is supposed to log errors related to the Google API connection. Normally, Rank Math will only attempt to connect to the API three times – after the third failed try, it should not retry anymore. Not sure if this is the case on your site, but if you are not using the Analytics module, then you should turn it off, and then this problem should not happen anymore.

    You should also be aware that setting the WP_HTTP_BLOCK_EXTERNAL to true might cause issues in many plugins, including Rank Math – there may be problems connecting your site with your Rank Math account, and you won’t be able to use the Analytics, the Instant Indexing, and the SEO Analysis modules, among other features. These modules should be disabled to avoid the errors.

    Hope that helps.

    Hey Balazs,

    Thank you so much for following up for me. Yes, I’m aware of some limitations of WP_HTTP_BLOCK_EXTERNAL to true. I believe I’ve whitelisted most things. Unfortunately the wp-admin API credential checks for premium plugins slow down my wp-admin so much that it’s better to block these when not needed. I have whitelisted rankmath.com, *.rankmath.com – could you let me know if there are any other ones for RankMath which need to be whitelisted.

    I will attempt to connect Analytics and see if that and opening things up removes the database growth. I will keep testing things out and see if I can isolate the issue further. At this stage I’m not sure which row of the wp_options table is getting out of control, so I will see if I can identify and confirm.

    Congratulations on the Pro module. It looks great. I will likely purchase this year, though I would really love to see a basic lifetime offer if that is in the works anytime soon.

    Have a great day.

    Warm regards,


    Thank you for your kind words and also for investigating this issue on your end. We are looking forward to any further information you can provide.

    The plugin fetches data from these domains:


    The plugin also uses wp_remote_* functions to make requests to your own site, for example to generate and cache the XML sitemaps. Not sure how those are handled by WP when the WP_HTTP_BLOCK_EXTERNAL constant is enabled, so you might need to whitelist your own domain as well.

    Hope that helps.


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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