Thank you for contacting the support, and sorry for any inconvenience that might have been caused due to that.
Would you mind if I ask what browser did you use? If you are using a Firefox browser, please try using other known browsers like Chrome or Safari instead.
Please also follow these steps:
If you are not seeing any data inside your Analytics module, this guide might help you.
A. Pre-check List
1. You should not be using Google Analytics v4 or Matomo Analytics.
2. Update to the latest version of Rank Math Free & PRO
3. Ensure that you are logged in to your paid account:
4. Disconnect and reconnect your account from inside WordPress:
B. Refresh Tokens
1. Please delete RankMath’s app from here:
2. Re-create tables by clicking WP Dashboard > Rank Math > Status & Tools > Database Tools and click the Re-create database Table
3. Reconnect the account inside Rank Math by clicking here and ensure that you approve all the permission notices that shows up:
WP Dashboard >> Rank Math >> General Settings >> Analytics tab, and click the Reconnect
4. Let the process complete and it might take around 30 minutes.
5. Now head over to WP Dashboard > Rank Math > Status & Tools > Database Tools and click the Rebuild Index for Analytics
6. Please check if the data shows up here:
If that does not help, please paste the data from here:
WP Dashboard > Rank Math > Status & Tools > System Status and click the Copy System Info to Clipboard
We really look forward to helping you.