Canonical Issues on Paginated Pages

  • Resolved Gideon
    Rank Math business
    Content AI Creator


    On paginated pages, specifically the blog, the canonical points to the first page in the series, but I want it to be self-referencing so that the paginated pages in the series will be indexed.

    Kind regards,


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  • Michael Davis
    Rank Math pro


    Thank you for contacting Rank Math and sorry for any inconvenience that might have been caused due to that.

    I am not quite sure why the rel=next & prev with the right canonical are not appearing on your site. I have passed this on to our dev team for closer investigation and we will be getting back to you in a short while.

    Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.


    Rank Math business
    Content AI Creator

    Thanks Michael,

    Looking forward to hearing from you again.

    Kind regards,



    Rank Math plugin has an option to index the paginated pages in Dashboard >> Rank Math >> Titles & Meta >> Misc Page >> Noindex Paginated pages. This option is disabled on your site and that’s fine, it should be disabled to index the paginated pages. But the /blog/ page which you want to index the paginated pages is not the standard WordPress blog page, looks like you are using custom page with a custom query on the blog page.

    Since Rank Math prints metadata in the head, it can only detect the default WordPress query. On your site, the blog page is just like any other page and that’s the reason the paginated links are not showing in the canonical tag.

    Is there any reason why you are not using the WordPress option to set the blog page? You can select the blog page in Posts page dropdown in Reading Settings:

    Looking forward to helping you. Thank you.

    Rank Math business
    Content AI Creator

    I am using Elementor to build the pages on my site and the canonicals are in place on all other pages (created with Elementor), so, why not the blog?

    Rank Math business
    Content AI Creator

    I fixed it, thanks!

    Michael Davis
    Rank Math pro


    Thanks for getting back to us.

    I am glad that this is now resolved 🙂

    Feel free to contact us for any other questions, comments or suggestions.

    Thank you.

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