My client made a mess of his redirection strategy. To be able to quickly fix this bulk redirect via import is needed. So I’m considering Rank Math Pro. Before Rank Math Pro is bought I need to be sure I can perform the expected method.
Which is
1. Exporting all 301 redirects in a CSV
2. Only changing the destination URL’s
3. Importing them into rank math redirections with the correct destination url’sTHE SITUATIONS EXPLAINED TO MAKE IT MORE CLEAR FOR YOU.
1. Here is the first case.
The clients permalink structure is build up like this url (with /product/ in the url structure)
Example: https://www.globalwineries.nl/product/bodega-la-rural-san-felipe-merlot-malbec/
For a lot of url’s the client is redirecting to the old permalink structure. (With /shop/ in the url structure)
Example: https://www.globalwineries.nl/shop/bodega-la-rural-san-felipe-merlot-malbec/
This needs to changed in bulk in a CSV with find and replace. And them importing it back in rank math redirections via bulk import.
2. Here is the second case
The client also has his site translated to English and German via the WPML plugin. For every redirect the client made; he forgot to also change the English and German url; which is exactly the same as the default language. The url change is taking out the wine year from the url.
This also needs to be changed in bulk by first exporting all products including permalink (via WP All Export) and then making a fresh 301 redirect import CSV file with the source and the new destination url’s.
Can this method be performed with help from the RANK MATH PRO plugin?
Best, Chris
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