Breadcrumbs not working

  • Resolved Trembol
    Rank Math free

    Hi, i’m trying to add RankMath breadcrumbs to my DIVI EXTRA website but is not working.
    I’m surely missing something and would appreciate if you can help me.

    The steps i followes are simple:
    1) I’ve firstly activated breadcrumbs option in RankMath as per the attached image
    2) Then i went to my Child Theme HEADER.PHP file and added the code provided by RankMath (<?php if (function_exists(‘rank_math_the_breadcrumbs’)) rank_math_the_breadcrumbs(); ?>), as per the attached image
    3) I clear Extra Static CSS and empty the cache, just in case.

    Then I access my site, but breadcrumbs aren’t anywhere 🙁

    I share URL and credentials to my site, just in case you need to take a look.
    My hostes has a country black-list, if you try to access and you can’t let me know your country and i’ll whitelist it.


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  • Alberto
    Rank Math business


    I added the following filter in your functions.php file and now it seems to be working (for example, in the URL I added in the Sensitive Data section), could you check it?

    add_filter( 'the_content', function( $content ) {
    if( function_exists( 'rank_math_get_breadcrumbs' ) ) {
    $content = rank_math_get_breadcrumbs() . $content;
    return $content;

    Looking forward to help you.

    Rank Math free

    Hi Alberto,

    first of all thaks for your support.
    I didn’t see in any documentation the need to modify functions.php.

    In any case, you are right and i can see it now in my posts, but not in the rest of the site yet.

    Another question is how to customize the way it looks (font type, size, colour, padding, …).

    Finally, is there a way to customize the Breadcrumb so it shows the route i want? For instance, in the post where you added it, it presents the route: HOME > CATEGORY > POST NAME; The organization of my site, includes a Page called TUNES (CANCIONES), that adds all Categories, and would like the Breadcrumb to show: HOME > TUNES > CATEGORY > POST NAME.
    Only in some cases, as there are other categories, such as PLAYLISTS, where i want to leave it as it is.

    Thanks again.


    We are sorry but we do not offer any customization options for the styling of the breadcrumbs. You can do that via CSS code if you like.

    You can choose to show all categories or just the primary one. Make sure to choose category as the primary taxonomy in WordPress Dashboard > Rank Math > Titles & Meta > Posts

    And then use the assign category option in WordPress to add categories you want to show.

    Hope that helps and please do not hesitate to let us know if you need our assistance with anything else.

    Rank Math free

    ok, thanks anywya


    If you need help with anything else, please open a new support ticket here so we can help:

    We are always here for assistance.

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