Hola, tengo problemas para que aparezca breadcrumbs en la web, he realizado todo lo que indica https://rankmath.com/kb/filters-hooks-api-developer/ y colocando este codigo : <?php if (function_exists(‘rank_math_the_breadcrumbs’)) rank_math_the_breadcrumbs(); ?> en el tema hijo de la plantilla colormag y no consigo que funcione da error, he revisado todos los hilos del foro https://support.rankmath.com/search/breadcrumbs/ pero no encuentro el motivo por el que no puedo poner las migas de pan, me podeis orientar un poco,
Hello, I have problems to appear breadcrumbs on the web, I have done everything indicated by https://rankmath.com/kb/filters-hooks-api-developer/ and placing this code: <? Php if (function_exists (‘rank_math_the_breadcrumbs ‘)) rank_math_the_breadcrumbs (); ?> In the son theme of the colormag template and I can not get it to work, I have checked all the threads of the forum https://support.rankmath.com/search/breadcrumbs/ but I can not find the reason why I can not put the crumbs of bread, you can guide me a little,Thank you
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