Breadcrumbs Divi Theme

  • Resolved Sall
    Rank Math free


    i activated on my dev page the Rankmath Breadcrumbs and they are shown on Pages and Posts. When i check my /category/ pages, the Breadcrumbs are not shown. To move from Yoast to Rankmath with my website i need the following things fixed before:

    1. Breadcrumbs shown also on /category/ and /tag pages, is there a setting somewhere?
    2. What is the css to format the last page title / Post Title in Breadcrumbs Bold?

    Please let me know, i would be really happy to switch over to Rankmath as soon as possible

    Best regards

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  • Sall
    Rank Math free


    I used yet for the category pages the shortcode option.

    To make the last Breadcrumb Bold i found this css snippet:

    .last {
    font-weight: bold;

    best regards


    We are glad you were able to find a solution to your issue.

    If you do have another question in the future, please feel free to create a new forum topic, and it will be our pleasure to assist you again.

    Thank you.

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