Basic SEO, Additional, Readability etc NOT working

  • Resolved Ken MacKenzie
    Rank Math pro
    Content AI Starter

    In all my Posts the Basic SEO, Additional, Title Readability and Content Readability are not working as they’re all dulled out. It would be very much appreciated if you could kindly have a look at my website and look at my Posts to see what I mean. This is not the only website where I have this problem so if you would please advise me how to fix the problem I would be very grateful. Thanks for your help.

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  • Ken MacKenzie
    Rank Math pro
    Content AI Starter

    My email is: k*****@o*************

    Rank Math free

    Hi Ken,

    Thanks for getting in touch with us.

    I do not see the issue. Here is a screencast:

    All the tests are working correctly.

    Where are you seeing the issue?

    Ken MacKenzie
    Rank Math pro
    Content AI Starter

    Hi Todd – That’s amazing as it’s NOT what I see at all. The Basic SEO and the others are all blanked out and dull with NO gree ticks at all.

    I’m still on XP Professional. Do you think that’s the reason why I don’t see what you are seeing ?




    Rank Math free

    Hi Ken,

    It is possible. Are you not using the latest version of Chrome/Firefox?

    Ken MacKenzie
    Rank Math pro
    Content AI Starter

    Hi Todd – I think that’s the answer. Chrome and Firefox no longer support XP Professional. I have a laptop with Windows 10 on it and I think Chrome and Firefox should be okay. I’ll try going into my websites on the laptop and see whether I can see what you are seeing. Thanks for you advice and help.



    Ken MacKenzie
    Rank Math pro
    Content AI Starter

    Hi Todd – I downloaded Firefox and it’s Rankmath is now working okay on my current operating system. Thanks again. Ken

    Rank Math free

    Hi Ken,

    I am so glad to be of help. We are always here if you need us in the future.

    Hey, if it isn’t too much to ask for – would you mind leaving us a review here?

    It only takes a couple of minutes but helps us tremendously.

    It would mean so much to us.

    Thank you.

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