Ajouter clé API

  • Resolved Amandyne
    Rank Math free

    L’emplacement de la clé API mème à ma page d’accueil. Pour remédier à ce problème vous proposer ceci : (Étant donné que le fichier texte n’est pas créé automatiquement, vous devrez ajouter manuellement le fichier texte à la racine de votre site Web avec le nom suivant : [your_api_key].txtet le contenu doit également inclure la clé API. )
    Avez-vous un tuto vidéo pour ce faire ?

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  • Hello,

    Thank you for contacting the support and sorry for any inconvenience that might have been caused due to that.

    We’ve forwarded your request to our media team for video tutorial. In the mean time you can follow the below steps to manually add the key into the file manager.
    1. Open your cPanel > File Manager.
    2. Once you are in file manager, navigate to public_html folder. This is called as root of the website.
    3. Create a txt file and name it as [your_api_key].txt and in that txt file add the API key.
    4. Upload the file in root folder.

    Let us know if you have issues.

    Looking forward to helping you.

    Thank you

    Ok c’est fait. Cependant dans la recherche image sur sur Google , lorsque l’on clique sur l’image associée à l’article, cela renvoie sur ma page d’accueil et non pas à l’article .


    Please note that we don’t have any control over how images in the SERP results are displayed, and search engines display them as per their will and it mostly depends on the keyword search term and the website authority.

    In this case, you can try to add relevant ALT text to the images/featured image of the post, and chances are search engines will refer to it instead of your homepage.

    Here’s a link for more information:

    Hope that helps.

    Thank you.

    Je comprends que vous ne pouvait pas contrôler ce que Google décide d’afficher dans les résultats de recherches d’images. Ce n’est pas le sujet. Ce que je veux dire, c’est que les images de mes articles qui apparaissent dans Google images, lorsque l’on clique sur l’image en rapport avec l’article en question, cela renvoie à la page d’accueil de mon site et non pas à l’article directement.

    Rank Math free


    We understand that you’re experiencing an issue where clicking on the images from your articles in Google Images results in being redirected to your site’s homepage instead of the associated article.

    My colleague has already provided you with some information on this matter. As they mentioned, we do not have control over how images are displayed in search engine results. This depends on factors like the search term and website authority.

    To improve the situation, you can add relevant ALT text to your images or featured images in your posts. It may increase the likelihood of search engines linking the images to the corresponding articles instead of your homepage.

    For more details, please refer to the following resource, which explains how to optimize your images for search results: https://rankmath.com/kb/how-to-show-images-in-search-results/

    We hope that helps, and please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any other questions.

    Thank you.

    Merci !

    Rank Math free


    We are glad we could address your concern.

    Please feel free to create a new forum topic if you do have another question in the future.

    It will be our pleasure to assist you again.

    Thank you.

    Pour la création d’un nouveau sujet, c’est fait !

    Merci à toute l’équipe !!!

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