After Update impossible to enter Focus Keyword

  • Resolved piano man
    Rank Math pro

    after I have update Rank Math to version 1.0.42 the Focus Keyword field doesn’t work. If I try to enter different characters eg. “o” or “p” to the field it will open something from the page builder. It’s impossible to enter complete words to the Focus Keyword field.
    If I write the Keyword somewhere else and copy and paste it to the field it works. The entered Keyword is not highlighting the Keyword in the Snippet as it was before. Everything was working before Update 🙁
    Please fix it!

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by piano man.
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  • Hi

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by piano man.

    of course it works with the standard editor of WordPress. But I am using the Divi Theme with it’s Divi Builder.
    The problem occurs first time after update of Rank Math to version 1.0.42 immediately – no other updates in that time done.
    Now I found out what happen. The Divi Builder have Keyboard Shortcuts eg. with characters “t”, “o”, “h”, “p”.
    From my point of view the problem is related with the function of Rank Math Focus Keyword field. Somehow the Divi Buikder don’t notice the input field Focus Keyword and instead of that it will e.g. “p” open window “Portability” of the Builder Layout, “o” open window “Page Settings”, “h” “Editing History” from the Divi Builder. Can you please have look the the code of the Focus Keyword field. I am really sure the problem comes from there.
    Regards, Jörg


    I have the same error on my Blogs. (Build with DIVI)

    Best regards Frank W.

    Rank Math free


    We are extremely sorry for the issues you have been using Rank Math with Divi.

    It looks like one of the recent updates to either plugins caused this issue where typing certain characters triggers the keyboard shortcut of Divi.

    Have you tried to contact Divi’s support? I did a quick search on the internet and it seems like Divi had a similar issue in the past with another SEO plugin.

    They seem to have fixed the issue with an update. It would be great if you could get in touch with them and see if they can do something similar for Rank Math.

    If this is something we need to handle within Rank Math – it would still be great if we can hear their input about proceeding. We do not want to disable the keyboard shortcuts of Divi when Rank Math is enabled so it would be great if there is a way to disable the keyboard shortcuts only when someone is typing something in Rank Math fields.

    Please do let us know how it goes. We are looking forward to your co-operation.

    Thank you.

    I am in contact with Divi support and they said that some issues with Rank Math pluggin are on on the list. I will ask them again and will mention the issue described

    Keep the case open. I will write the information I will get from Divi support here. In that way i can help other people who are in the same trouble than I am.

    Regards, jörg

    Hi Jörg,

    Thank you for the reply.

    Please keep us posted, we are looking forward to the update.

    Thank you.


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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