https://cn.omegaplus.co.nz/ is a website for Chinese Audience.
The Chinese Marketing team provided us with a spreadsheet to improve the SEO for Chinese Market.
One of the task was to add Keywords in Chinese.
They are suggesting us to add the meta tag with keywords.
Eg: <Meta name=“keywords” content=“宠粮, 湿粮, 猫罐头, 帝王鲑猫罐头, 三文鱼猫罐头, 帝王鲑牛肉猫罐头,帝王鲑鸡肉猫罐头,帝王鲑鸭肉猫罐头”>
But I do not see the above meta tag when I use the Rank Math’s input for Keywords. I see the following object when I check the page source
“@type”:”Article”,”headline”:”\u6e7f\u7cae – Omega Plus Pet Food China”,”keywords”:”\u5ba0\u7cae,\u6e7f\u7cae,\u732b\u7f50\u5934,\u5e1d\u738b\u9c91\u732b\u7f50\u5934,\u4e09\u6587\u9c7c\u732b\u7f50\u5934″
I assume this is the way Rank Math handles key words and I see the Chinese characters has converted to unicode. Can you confirm that this is correct?
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