a lot of 404 errors

  • Resolved anirbangoswami1993
    Rank Math free

    I recently changed my theme and constructed the website again by uploading new images and deleted old ones…receiving a lot of 404 errors from the bing bot and other services. I have cleared most of the logs, most of them were old images. I can provide a temporary access if you guys want. attched a screenshot. I have also changed my permalink structure recently.

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  • Hello,

    Thanks for contacting us. Sorry for the delay and any inconvenience that might have been caused due to that.

    Please note that Rank Math only reports on the 404s. Rank Math doesn’t cause them and cannot stop them as we do not have information on how or why they are generated.

    We only give you more information like referrer and user-agent. You can use that information to track down the source or find out if it is just bots generating those errors.

    If they are from bing, then it is possible that they are just crawlers that are visiting your pages periodically to update the OpenGraph or metadata and this isn’t something you can control.

    If you have any other 404 related URLs that also you as a site owner can not access, you can also fix these errors by redirecting them to a related page on your website:

    In case they are URLs that do not exist on your page, you can as well add them to the exclusion list at WordPress Dashboard > Rank Math > General Settings > 404 Monitor > Exclude Paths

    Hope this helps. Let us know if you need any further assistance.

    I need help to get it checked and just to make sure that everything is set up correctly, I am also ready to share a temporary login. I am confused there might be something that I missed out while setting up the sitemap or anything else.

    The support from Rank math is pretty slow.

    Rank Math agency


    Sorry for the unfortunate delay.

    You can share your website’s URL and we would check the sitemaps and other files like robots.txt for you.

    As for the 404s, since you’ve changed the permalink structure and deleted images, it is normal to get the 404 logs.

    You should consider redirecting them to the relevant URLs by following the guide shared by my colleague.

    Hope that helps.

    Thank you.

    Hey Prabhat
    Thank you for your reply….thefinancemeta.com is my website URL
    and if you want I can also share a temporary login. Please do check if everything is set up correctly then let me know and I will try and do the necessary redirections.
    I need to make sure before I start regular postings that my posts will get indexed properly by search engines,
    looking forward to a quick reply.
    Thank you

    How much time do I need to wait for proper support? The support from Rank math is horribly slow, I presume this is because I am not a premium user of the plugin.
    Very disappointing for a potential Rankmath pro buyer.

    I am already considering switching to a different SEO plugin, I hope they have better free user support.


    We might need to take a closer look at the settings. Please edit the first post on this ticket and include your WordPress logins in the designated Sensitive Data section.

    Please do take a complete backup of your website before sharing the information with us.
    Sensitive Data Section

    It is completely secure and only our support staff has access to that section. If you want, you can use the below plugin to generate a temporary login URL to your website and share that with us instead:


    You can use the above plugin in conjunction with the WP Security Audit Log to monitor what changes our staff might make on your website (if any):


    We really look forward to helping you.

    Not needed anymore, already shifted to a better SEO plugin…The support is horribly slow.
    Thank you for your efforts.


    We deeply apologize for the delays as there are so many PRO tickets that we need to prioritize.

    I respect your decision for changing to a different SEO tool. If you can give us a chance, we would love to inspect your website further and provide advice.

    With that said, we are adding more staff to provide further support for our FREE users and it would be great if you will consider our product again in the future.

    Please do not hesitate to let us know if you need our assistance. Thank you.

    Hey Jeremy,
    Thank you for your concern. I am installing Rankmath again, just trusting in your words.
    After I do the initial setup will let you know here and then you can do the necessary check if everything is set up correctly regarding everything from 404 errors from bots to check if everything is set up the ideal way.

    All of the settings are a bit too overwhelming for a non-technical guy like me and I don’t want to put effort into my articles if those are not getting indexed on google properly. The only reason I was looking for better support initially, I will also post a temporary login link in the sensitive data section after I am done with my initial setups including sitemap, GSC and Analytics.

    In hopes of getting better support and user experience.
    Anirban Goswami


    Thank you so much for giving our product a chance.

    After I do the initial setup will let you know here and then you can do the necessary check if everything is set up correctly regarding everything from 404 errors from bots to check if everything is set up the ideal way.

    Sure, do let us know how it goes, and please share the admin login here as well so we can assess your setup.

    All of the settings are a bit too overwhelming for a non-technical guy like me and I don’t want to put effort into my articles if those are not getting indexed on google properly. The only reason I was looking for better support initially, I will also post a temporary login link in the sensitive data section after I am done with my initial setups including sitemap, GSC and Analytics.

    We do have an option to enable “Easy mode” on Rank Math to show only the necessary settings which you only need. Please refer to this KB: https://rankmath.com/kb/how-to-setup/#starting-the-setup-wizard

    This should help you use all major features of Rank Math with ease.

    With that said, we love to further check this one over your admin.

    Looking forward to helping you with this one and thank you.


    I have updated the sensitive data as requested. Can you please check further?

    Thank you.

    Hi Jeremy,
    Sorry for the late reply as my site was facing some different plugin compatibility issues. I did the basic rank math setup and would like your expert recommendations on everything else if anything you notice in the setup is not ideal.

    I have shared a temporary login URL in the sensitive data section for you to check on the setup. Also, I am in doubt that my website might be using a dual analytics tag as I also have the Google site kit installed so, kindly look into that too. Also check the sitemap setup.

    Waiting for your reply

    When can I expect a reply so that I can move further? mentioning once again…Horribly slow support! I keep making second guesses that am I making a mistake trusting you people.


    Since we did not hear back from you for 15 days, we are assuming that you found the solution. We are closing this support ticket.

    If you still need assistance or any other help, please feel free to open a new support ticket, and we will be more than happy to assist.

    Thank you.

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