Hi –
I am using Divi (WordPress theme) and RankMath with GoDaddy (origin server) and CloudFlare (CDN).
About a week or so ago, I started to receive 520 errors upon saving a page/post in Divi. This error caused a really bad result where the content of the page/post was deleted and saved.
520 errors are identified as “unknown server errors” per Wikipedia:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codesI have been in touch with Divi to alert them on the end behavior of a page/post save operation. I have also been in touch with GoDaddy review the health of the origin server. I have also been researching using CloudFlare’s documentation that talks about headers over 8k will trigger the 520 error:
https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003011431-Troubleshooting-Cloudflare-5XX-errors#520errorIt appears that the problem can be reproduced when CloudFlare is active. I’ve generated HAR files from Chrome and started to scan through them. The size of the header exceeds 8k. When I look at the header, over 75% of it mentions “rank_math_xxx”.
I see key/value pairs like “rank_math_snippet_course_provider” and “rank_math_snippet_event_performer_url”, which I’m not using. I am using structured data, but there’s a lot of keys that are unused. How can I remove these? It feels slow to send headers that apparently have nothing to do with the site content.
Do you have any advice?
Thanks for your time.
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